Practitioner Forum, Open Discussion, Benefits from the Practice

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  • Examining Fabrications Created by the Chinese Communist Party's Media

    Many Chinese citizens have watched a special topic television show for "exposing and criticising Falun Gong," with the title of "Let Go of Falun Gong, Read Science and Technology Books," on the Hebei TV Station and the CCTV Station, after July 20th, 1999 when the persecution began. The main characters of the show are Mr. Zhang Baosheng and his wife Mrs. Guan Shufen. The basis of such shows are founded on lies, which will be presented here.
  • Three Hundred Migrant Workers Stand Up to Police and Insist on Wearing Their Falun Dafa Amulets

    This was the pivotal moment that led the workers to speak out against police injustice. The migrant workers exclaimed, "Those who practise Falun Gong are good people. What's wrong with following Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance?" "We wear amulets to protect us on the job. Yet, you don't let us wear them. What is your intention? Don't you care about our safety?"
  • A Young Woman Finds Falun Dafa in a Chinese Prison

    This story happened in the summer of 2000 when the persecution of practitioners was rampant. After being illegally arrested twice, I was put in jail again. In the beginning I was put in a small room where they jailed newcomers. Because of my refusal to cooperate and my attempts to tell people about Falun Dafa in the jail, after 15 days the guards put me in the contagious disease area to punish me.
  • The Epoch Times: Fifth Anniversary of a Deadly Hoax in China

    Five years ago this week, a group of five Chinese appeared on television screens across the world in a shocking apparent suicide attempt. The news reports said the five set themselves on fire in a stunt they thought would lead them to heaven. The storyline, as told by state-run media in China, where Falun Gong has been the target of a well-documented persecution, has tried to link the incident with Falun Gong. It has become the number one supporting argument for the Chinese communist regime that Falun Gong is dangerous and the crackdown against it is thus justified.
  • Pay Attention to Each and Every One of Our Words and Actions

    I have a strong work ethic and I am a Falun Dafa practitioner, so I'm generally nice and kind and my coworkers like to ask me for help. Gradually, however, I developed a deeply hidden attachment that I was superior to others. I thought I was more experienced and I thought I was always right. Because I am an expert in many areas at work, few coworkers dared to complain about me. When I did get some feedback from them, I brushed their comments away. I didn't realize that I wasn't being compassionate.
  • My Recent Cultivation Experiences

    Posting articles to expose the persecution on the Internet is just like the practitioners in China posting materials along the street. We are merely doing it on computers while the practitioners in China are risking their lives or have to do it in the middle of the night.
  • Russia: The Amir Family of Moscow

    Those who have seen Master Li tell different stories: some said Master Li is tall and handsome; some said they felt so comfortable and happy and didn't want to leave when they were with Master; some said Master's energy field was so strong that it seemed that Master’s whole body was glowing with light. But Amir said that everyone could feel the field of compassion and harmony even before Master entered the conference, he could not find any human words to express his feelings.
  • New to Falun Dafa: Experiencing the Profoundness of the Practice

    After nearly a year of practising Falun Gong, when I looked back, I noticed that the atmosphere in my family had also changed. I no longer face family members with a cold face or frequently argue with them. My addiction to Mahjong had also disappeared. Not only my family life is harmonious, but also the people around me often ask me with surprise, "How come you look younger now?"
  • A Change In Attitude - Two Stories from China

    The contractor used to be against Falun Dafa as he was deceived by the propaganda on TV. This time witnessing what the Falun Gong practitioners did, he changed his attitude and told other people, "The students that [the founder of the practise] Teacher Li educates are so good; this practice must be great."
  • Latvian MP Supports Resolution Condemning the Crimes of Communism

    "As a victim of the Soviet Communist regime and as the only one still alive from an eight-member family that has spent nine years in deportation in Siberia, I feel gratified and I thank the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe for its determination to disclose, assess and condemn the crimes committed for decades against oppressed nations in the name of the Communist ideology."
  • Human Rights Group of the Parliament of Finland Writes to the Chinese Government about Lawyer who Defended Falun Gong Practitioners' Rights

    Although we are aware of your government's position that the firm was closed because it had failed to re-register with the authorities after moving into a new office, the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom disputes this assertion. Amnesty International claims that the move to close the firm came shortly after the firm's director sent an open letter to President Hu Jintao and Premier Wen Jiabao urging them to end the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in China.
  • Shenyang Prison Guards' "Poems" and Funeral Songs

    Zhang Zhixin's name is well known in China because of her unyielding character and the inhumane tortures she experienced. She was intelligent and beautiful, a very bright lady. The Communist regime had her brutally murdered because she had doubts about the CCP leadership at that time. What shocked me, though, are the "poems" written by the guards in the Shenyang Prison who inhumanely tortured Zhang Zhixin with various methods. Their brazenness is beyond the comprehension and grasp of rational people.
  • Two Stories that Illustrate the Principle that Good Will Be Rewarded with Good and Evil Meets with Retribution

    There is a woman who owns a store in Liaoning Province who hired a Falun Gong practitioner. From that practitioner, she learnt the truth about Falun Dafa and the persecution. Once there was a group of people in her store and someone brought up the issue of the Chinese Communist Party's campaign to promote the Party doctrines. She said with a loud voice, "Promote the Party doctrines? Look at those Falun Gong practitioners! If everyone practised Falun Gong, we wouldn't have so many bad things happening."
  • "The Same Song" Used as Psychological Torture Against Falun Gong Practitioners

    "The same song" has happy, easy-going lyrics and can be considered a romantic song. It is sung by famous singers with great emotion and was Sometimes it was accompanied by children's voices. The CCTV has a programme entitled "The Same Song." However, this song is a major tool for the Chinese Communist Party to engage in spiritual persecution and brain-washing and mind-transformation of Falun Gong practitioners.
  • Thank You Falun Gong!

    One morning in February of 2005, my sister-in-law visited me and said, "Look at me, all my health problems were cured after practising Falun Gong, why don't you give it a try too?" Initially I did not believe her. Nevertheless, I decided to give it a try and began studying the Falun Dafa books with an open mind. A miracle occurred after ten days of studying the Falun Gong books.