Practitioner Forum, Open Discussion, Benefits from the Practice

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  • A Falun Gong Practitioner in My Company

    The former driver for the general manager in my company was a Falun Gong practitioner. I'll call him "Lao Wu." I got to know about Falun Gong from him, saw the excellent morals of Falun Gong practitioners, and learnt that Falun Gong is truly teaching people to be kind and compassionate, something totally different from what the Chinese media had broadcast.
  • Police in China Are Withdrawing from the Chinese Communist Party and Finding out More About Falun Gong

    When I was calling police stations in China and asking them to withdraw from the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its associated organisations, police officers from three stations agreed. One of them asked me how they could get hold of a Falun Dafa book and so I taught him how to break through the Internet blockade and access the Minghui website (Chinese version of the Falun Dafa related website, Clearwisdom) to download Falun Dafa materials from the web. He was very pleased.
  • My Cultivation Experience with the Marching Band

    He pointed out something that really made me look inside. He said, "Cindy, why are you so focused on the technical side? Why can’t you just feel the beauty of the music that practitioners play?" I realised that when we march, all I hear are the mistakes. I try to take note of which section did not do well, so that we can work on those parts in rehearsal. How could I be so uncompassionate?
  • Be Constantly Firm in Falun Dafa

    I immediately realized, that power of our cultivation and ours’ righteous thoughts has a great influence on people and it’s the most visible on those around us and our cultivation is reflected on them.
  • City Officials Falsely Blame Falun Gong for Student Violence in Guang'an, China

    On November 11th, 2006, it was reported that many police officials and government workers were spreading rumours that Falun Gong had provoked the incident. A middle aged lady told this reporter that the captain of the Guang'an City police brigade of personally told her that Falun Gong would be framed for this incident.
  • Investigation Lead: Underground Organ Transplant Centre at the First Hospital of Jilin University, China

    We call on all people of conscience to lend their help in exposing the facts of this vicious persecution of Falun Gong practitioners inside secret concentration camps, forced labour camps, prisons and hospitals in Mainland China. The sooner this atrocity is fully exposed, the sooner this brutal persecution will end. Below is information that came to light recently:
  • Checking Ourselves Upon Seeing the Attachments of Other Practitioners

    In the summer of 2005, upon seeing that a coordinator had some attachments of showing-off, I pointed them out to him. There is nothing wrong with bringing up other practitioners' attachments or problems; however, I forgot to look inward to check myself. As a matter of fact, while I was pointing out another practitioner's problem, I also had the same problem.
  • Finding and Studying Falun Dafa in Prison

    Most of all, it was difficult because I was unable to study the Falun Gong teachings, the Fa, since no Falun Dafa books were available. The only Fa for me to learn was Lunyu, which a practitioner wrote down for me from memory. That was the only words from Master guiding my cultivation under such circumstances. Reciting "Lunyu" was my everyday Fa-study
  • After Suffering Comes Happiness

    "...This is the debt you owed. Now, you are suffering. You want to leave this world? How can that be allowed? Now, you have almost paid back all of your karma. Go back to practise gong." I was a little confused and asked her, "What kind of gong should I practise?" She said, "Falun Gong!"
  • The Attachment of Pride and Contentment Blocking Our Diligent Advancement

    "Our region is doing very well." "We are saturated." How many attachments are hiding behind these words? Spurred by fellow practitioner's exchanged insights, I found severe prideful and mentalities related to showing off.
  • Some Thoughts on Looking Within

    During the process of memorising the Fa, it became righteous. Through this I found that I was much clearer on my own problems. I felt that I didn't even understand some of Zhuan Falun on the surface, not to mention it inner meanings.
  • Investigation Leads: Chongqing Southwestern Hospital Performed Seven Kidney Transplant Operations in One Day

    The CIPFG is collecting information from people who have come forward and is calling on people who know the truth to further expose the crimes concerning illegal organ harvesting in China. We call on all people of conscience to lend their help to expose the facts of this vicious persecution of Falun Gong practitioners inside secret concentration camps, forced labour camps, prisons and hospitals in Mainland China.
  • Practising Falun Dafa Brings Tremendous Health Benefits to Family

    According to doctors, Yunyun could very likely lose the ability to walk one day. The young couple was so sad and they even considered suicide. Yunyun's husband's aunt (her father-in-law's sister) Min (alias) learnt of Yunyun's disease, and invited the young couple to her house. She told them about how miraculous Falun Dafa was and that her severe ailments had all been cured; she was a new person, and she even learnt how to drive a car.
  • Nothing Stops Me from Clarifying the Truth

    Clarifying the truth about Falun Gong and the persecution so as to clear away the deceitful propaganda instilled in so many people by the Chinese Communist Party is a must during this period of our practise. I pay attention to my truth clarification ability, constantly improving and learning from my failures.
  • My Experience Passing Out Fliers for NTDTV's Chinese New Year Spectacular

    At this moment, one lady was running toward us. I handed her a flier, which she grabbed while running and then she had passed with the flier in her hand. Then, she rushed into the theater. More people were running, passing us, grabbing fliers and running into the theater. We left the theater after no more people were coming towards the entrance of the theater.