Dafa Banners Displayed All Over a Mountainside

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By a Dafa practitioner from China

The residents of a certain city in northern China live beside a mountain. Since July 20, 1999, Falun Dafa practitioners there have been persecuted. They were forced to leave their homes one after another, left with no choice but to become homeless. Even in such a severely vicious environment, Dafa banners were displayed all over the mountainside on the night of May 13th, 2001, World Falun Dafa Day. Practitioners hung up banners on tall trees saying, "Falun Dafa is Good," "Truthfulness, Benevolence, Forbearance," "Falun Dafa Is the Righteous Way" and "Restore Falun Dafa's Reputation," in bright yellow words on red backgrounds. The next morning, city residents all talked about this, saying such things as, "Banners are hanging up on the mountain! Policemen are all over the mountain! ..."

On the night of June 5, 2001, more than 80 Dafa banners were displayed again on the mountain, though many policemen had been positioned there to watch. The banners read as before, with the addition of several stating "Falun Turns Forever," "Falun Turns Around Heaven and Earth," etc. Almost every policeman in the city was sent to search and cordon off the mountain. Some practitioners became police suspects and their homes were ransacked. One was arrested and tortured for the purpose of extorting a confession and was detained illegally for a month. The city residents claimed, "Falun Gong is so great! There is no use for policemen hiding there watching."

This great event frightened the officials one more time and awoke people. Hearing the news, some practitioners who had not dared to come out earlier climbed up the mountain the next day to practise meditation.

In the days and weeks leading up to July 20th, 2001 [Note: the date marking two years since the persecution began], uniformed and plainclothes policemen secretly arrested practitioners. At exactly noon on July 20th, more than 160 large banners bearing golden words on red backgrounds were unfurled for the third time on the peak of the mountain. Suddenly, the sound of firecrackers erupted from the base of the mountain as if saluting the practitioners, all of whom were able to safely return to town from the mountain.
After this magnificent deed, the vicious persecutors were at their wits end. They had to release a practitioner who had been arrested and tortured without any charge. The practitioner sued the local police in the Judicial Department of the province. City residents ran around telling each other the news, "Falun Gong is really miraculous! They hung up Dafa banners all over the mountain in broad daylight. They could be seen everywhere!"

Currently, this city's situation is very amicable. All the Minghui.net materials are available. Banners, balloons, slogans are seen everywhere. Flyers revealing the truth about Falun Dafa and the persecution are distributed across the entire city.


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