Individual Accounts

  • Ms. Men Xiumei and Her Family Suffer Ruthless Torture

    In May 2001, my son, Cheng Peiming, was sentenced to eight years. He recounted: "The police punched me in the face, inserted heated skewers into my nails, shot at my lips with rubber bands, scratched a belt buckle up and down my ribcage, clipped my nipples with steel clamps, beat me with batons, forcefully dug into my collar bone, and used a torture called "Nama" on me. "Nama" - two police pushed really hard on the gap between my legs and lower abdomen; two other police squeezed really hard on my ribcage from my lower rib up to my arm pits. It was extremely painful and it exhausted me. "Space Hat" - the police put a plastic bag on my head, tightened it, and put a helmet on my head. They heavily banged a 7 pound hammer on the helmet until I partially lost consciousness due to the fierce impact. They repeated this during interrogation.
  • My Experience of Being Persecuted at the Forced Labour Dispatch Centre and the Women's Forced Labour Camp in Beijing

    Because of physical and mental torture, my health was ruined. After one year and six months at the forced labour camp I had lost much of my eyesight, my memory had deteriorated and my hair had turned grey. The inhuman torture took a toll on my body. I even came close to a mental collapse at one time. I suffered increased interstitial fluid in my organs due to prolonged malnutrition and sitting on a high board for a long period of time. Even after being released from the forced labour camp I had difficulty walking unaided for a long time. Practitioners who were "transformed" and who renounced Falun Dafa were still forced to perform slave labour. Sometimes we made handicrafts and other types of jobs. In the summer of 2006 we were required to pack sugar. There were flies everywhere in the workshop and it was a very unhygienic facility.
  • Shackled to an Iron Chair for Fifty Days at Panjin Prison in Liaoning Province

    On August 18th, 2006, I was transferred from Wafangdian Prison to Panjin Prison. After August 20th, I was shackled to an "iron chair" and force-fed twenty-four hours a day. The iron chair is made of thin, irregularly-shaped steel bars that are welded onto a steel plate. One's chest and thighs are bound by two pieces of eight-centimetre-wide steel scrap, and the hands are cuffed onto the chair. In addition, one's feet are locked up by two steel bars that are connected. There are a total of five locks. Only one's head can move. One sits on three steel bars. In fact, sitting on the "chair" means sitting on three steel bars. As a result, one's buttocks will be torn very soon; one's neck, lumbar and coccygeal vertebrae will be injured to different degrees.
  • Fifteen Common Methods of Torture Used at Xinhua Forced Labour Camp in Mianyang City, Sichuan Province

    One morning in April 2001, several other practitioners and I were studying the Falun Dafa teachings, sitting on the floor of a small classroom. I was reciting the teachings to them. Camp guard Deng Tao discovered us. He brought me to the office for questioning and called in other guards from the fifth floor. They pushed me to the floor and stood on my back. They tied my hands very tightly behind me and then shocked me with electric batons.
  • I Was Tortured and Forced into Slave Labour at Jinan First Female Prison in Shandong Province

    I was abducted to Jinan First Female Prison in October of 2002. Due to worrying about my being enslaved and tortured, my mother-in-law passed away on December 5th that year. We were forced to do intense labour such as making clothes and sewing. The director of the fourth division Xu forced us to work in the basement, which was very humid. The conditions were terrible. My rheumatism, which had been cured through practising Falun Gong, recurred under such harsh conditions. We were forced to work from 7:00 a.m. to 1:00 or 2:00 a.m. the next morning. The earliest quitting time was 12:00 a.m. Besides meal and toilet breaks, we worked non-stop.
  • Ghastly and Terrifying Shijiazhuang City Forced Labour Camp in Hebei Province

    I was sentenced to three years of forced labour in November 2000 for distributing leaflets exposing the persecution. Once, late at night, I was awakened and taken to an office. They pulled off my trousers and started to beat my buttocks with rubber sticks. When they finished, they called for another practitioner. One by one we all suffered brutal beatings. When we were sent back, we couldn't lay on our backs to sleep at all. All practitioners in our cell suffered beatings. Then they beat the practitioners in other cells. A few days later, when we took showers, every practitioners' buttocks were covered with dark purple bruises, which frightened the other inmates and made them feel sympathy for us.
  • The Persecution I Experienced Over the Past Seven Years at the Hands of the Chinese Communist Party

    The past is almost too painful to recall, yet it is so vivid, as if it just took place yesterday. Guard Wang Xiaofeng in Masanjia Forced Labour Camp threatened me. He said, "You cannot practise Falun Gong anymore; if you do, I'll teach you a good lesson!" I refused to comply, and he told me to go to the ground floor and handcuffed me to a heating pipe. He gagged me with a cleaning rag and taped my mouth shut. Then he proceeded to shock me with high-voltage electric batons. Soon my hands bled while he kept accusing me of making trouble. My blood stuck to the electric baton. He removed the tape from my mouth and began shocking my mouth. My lips doubled in size, and I could barely open my mouth. He sent me to solitary confinement cell. It was very cold that winter. They opened all of the doors and windows to freeze us.
  • Ms. Sun Chongzhen Exposes the Persecution She Suffered in Jinan City Women's Forced Labour Camp

    While I was informing people about the true nature of Falun Gong I was reported and arrested. I was sent to Jinan City Women's Forced Labour Camp on August 1st, 2003 and suffered three years of persecution. The guards locked me in a small cell every day and forbade me to meet anyone. They forced me to watch TV programmes slandering Dafa. They found some former practitioners who had gone against Dafa to tell me lies. Guards wrote a "guarantee statement to stop practising" for me attempted to force me to sign and fingerprint it. I didn't follow their orders. A group of guards then held me down. Some of them pulled my hands to put my fingerprint on the statement. After that, they forced me to do work for at least 12 hours per day. Sometimes, they made me work overtime, until 1:00 or 2:00 a.m.
  • Practitioner Ms. Sun Shuqin Recounts the Persecution She Experienced at Her Workplace, in a Mental Hospital and a Brainwashing Centre - Part 2

    Lead guar, Shi Fengyou, asked me, “Why did you go on a hunger strike?” I told him, “We cultivators also have our human rights protected by the constitution. I demand unconditional release. Is there something wrong with using a hunger strike to protest the violation of my human rights?” He said, “Forget about it. No one has been released from the forced labour camp using a hunger strike. We have many methods to deal with hunger strikes.” They forced a feeding tube into my stomach. The tube they used was a thick and hard plastic tube. They force-fed me corn paste. Once the corn paste entered my stomach, I suddenly felt cold, and a tightening in my chest, then my heart started beating crazily and my body became very hot. I could barely breathe. I felt as if I was suffocating to death. Obviously, they had added something to the corn paste that caused these symptoms.
  • Practitioner Ms. Sun Shuqin Recounts the Persecution She Experienced at Her Workplace, in a Mental Hospital and a Brainwashing Centre - Part 1

    I went to the Beijing Appeal Office in October 1999 to inform people about the true nature of Falun Gong. I was stopped and asked if I was a Falun Gong practitioner and where I was from. I answered honestly so I was arrested. My mother received a phone call from my bank, asking me to write a statement promising to no longer practise Falun Gong. I refused to do so. At that time, there were many cases of arrests and layoffs of Falun Gong practitioners. Someone suggested getting a mental illness statement for me to save my job. The doctor at the hospital declared that I had “paranoid schizophrenia,” basing his findings on the fact that I would rather give up my job than promise not to practise Falun Gong. I went on a hunger strike to protest. The doctors inserted a feeding tube into my stomach to force-feed me with food and medicine.
  • My Experience of Being Persecuted at a Rehabilitation Centre and Forced Labour Camp in Heilongjiang Province

    In November 2002, the authorities carried out an attempt to "reform" practitioners. It was extremely cold in winter in Northeast China. The guards ordered us to strip down to our pyjamas. All the windows were opened, and the piercing wind blew in. The guards couldn't help shivering in their overcoats. We were then forced to squat barefoot in the freezing cold, trembling all over. Some of us were chained to the ground with fixed cuffs. The guards put basins of cold water under our buttocks. Each guard also carried an electric baton and continuously applied shocks to practitioners. The crackling sound from the electric batons never stopped, and the strong smell of burning skin permeated the air. Some guards let out wild, evil bursts of laughter while swearing at Dafa nonstop.
  • An Appeal to International Human Rights Organisations: Please Help Rescue My Husband, Yang Jianpo

    I'm calling on the world's people to help my husband, Yang Jianpo, who has been tortured and who has been on a hunger strike for more than 400 days at Hebei Jidong Prison. He is now in critical condition and on life support. In Wanzhuang Forced Labour Camp, he was forced into heavy labour and worked 20 hours daily. He was beaten with wooden sticks. In Gaoyang Forced Labour Camp, he was handcuffed to an iron ring on the ground outdoors. He suffered blazing sunlight during the day and mosquito bites at night. The guards inserted an electric baton into his mouth to shock him. They did not release him after he had served his sentence. He went on a hunger strike for 60 days. Eventually, he was released, but not before he was at death's door.
  • A Practitioner Recounts the Brutal Persecution by Police in Shenqiu County, Henan Province

    On October 12th, 2000, police arrested me because I would not give up practising Falun Dafa. The police head, Lu Feng, ordered me to write a "Repentance Statement." I refused to write the "Repentance Statement," so they sent me to the detention centre. During the interrogation, Lu Feng brutally tortured me and dispatched someone to monitor me. He forbade me from sleeping. The police called this torture the "enduring eagle." After a long time of torture, one's mental state collapses, and feels worse than death. The police saw me reciting Dafa articles and added a shackle weighing 19 kilogrammes (42 lb.) on me. I wore it for one month. This is the heaviest shackle in the jail, usually put on criminals to be executed. When I once spoke to another practitioner, they added another handcuff to the shackle. Beating practitioners is common in jail.
  • I Was Brutally Tortured in the Gansu Province Women's Forced Labour Camp

    The guards in the forced labour camp wanted to put on the statement that I “admit” practising Falun Gong was wrong. The captain then pressured the drug offender to put words that slandered Falun Dafa at the end of my statement and read it in public.I strongly protested and asked them to give me the statement, and went on a hunger strike. Captain Fan ordered 4 or 5 drug offenders to pin me to the ground and cuff my hands behind my back, with one of my arm up and the other down. I screamed from the pain. They then cuffed me to the bed frame. I was locked in a position in which I couldn't stand, kneel down or squat. I was forced to change my body position and reposition my legs constantly. Even the drug offenders felt sorry for me and shed tears.
  • The Persecution Experienced by A Common Family

    I went to Beijing to petition for my fundamental rights to practise Dafa. I was arrested and sent to Longshan Correctional Centre, where the guards were full of abusive words. One day a TV reporter came, and we were told to sit in a line in the corridor, while a supervisor told the reporter how good the conditions were, how Falun Gong practitioners were treated like sisters, and how we liked the place. I said to the supervisor, "You just said you treated us as you did to your loved ones, but how come you often beat us and yell at us? Look at what you did to Aunt Yuan Zeqin, who's sitting right next to me. She is over 70 and her ribs were all broken." At that moment, the reporter switched off his camera.