Press Releases and Media Reports, Persecution Spreads from China to Europe, Voices of Support, Latest Events

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  • Norway: Protesting at the Chinese Embassy against the CCP's Persecution of Falun Gong

    Falun Gong practitioners in Norway started a twenty day protest at the Chinese Embassy, condemning the Chinese Communist regime’s persecution of Falun Gong and the harvesting of organs from living Falun Gong practitioners in forced labour camps and prisons. They appealed to the international community to stop this unprecedented atrocity.
  • Slovakia: National TV Reports on Organ Harvesting Re-enactment

    On 15th July, practitioners of Falun Gong re-enacted scenes to raise public awareness about the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) practice of harvesting organs from living Falun Gong practitioners to sell on the transplantation market. After their organs are stolen, the practitioners’ bodies are cremated to destroy any evidence.
  • Denmark: Seven Years of Hardship and Unyielding Peaceful Protests

    Falun Gong practitioners from Denmark appealed to the general public for their help in supporting the Allied Group to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong in China to enable them to launch their investigation into the persecution happening in China's labour camps and jails without the interference of the Chinese Communist Party.
  • (German Media): Human rights activist: China murders prisoners for organ harvesting

    The two human rights activists put together their findings after a two-month investigation. The former state secretary, responsible for Asia and the Pacific, David Kilgour, and the attorney David Matas based their results on telephone conversations with prison camps and hospitals that performed transplants. The official representatives for these institutions promised a speedy delivery of organs. Besides that, the former wife of a Chinese surgeon said that her former husband had removed over 2,000 corneas from human eyes over a period of two years".
  • Germany: Exposing the Chinese Communist Party's Trade in Organs Harvested from Living People

    On July 8th and 9th, 2006, Berlin practitioners, with the support of a practitioner from Windeck, near Bonn, erected an information booth to expose the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in China. Not only did the practitioners distribute flyers, but they also conducted a re-creation of torture methods used on practitioners and organ harvesting.
  • Belgium: Protesting against the CCP's Persecution of Falun Gong and Appealing to the European Union to Help to Stop this Atrocity

    On July 18th, Falun Gong practitioners from Belgium and Holland held an activity near Place Schuman outside the Headquarters of the European Union to protest against seven years’ of brutal persecution by the Chinese Communist Party and to appeal to the European Union to take action to stop the killing. Many staff from the EU offices passed the site frequently.
  • Finland: Candlelight Vigil to Mourn Practitioners Persecuted to Death and Call for an End to the Persecution

    In the evening of July 20th, 2006, Falun Gong practitioners in front of the Houses of Parliament in Helsinki held a candlelight vigil to mourn those practitioners persecuted to death, to protest against the Chinese Communist Regime’s seven-year persecution of Falun Gong practitioners, and to appeal to the Finnish government and citizens for support.
  • Sweden: Protesting Outside the Chinese Consulate General in Gothenburg to Mark Seven Years of Persecution

    Falun Gong pracitioners from Gothenburg and nearby places protested outside the Chinese Consulate General on the 20th of July. On 20th July 1999, this persecution was officialy initiated by the Chinese regime. During the Sweden protest, Falun Gong practiioners distributed a special flyer that revealed the background of the persecution. Falun Gong is a qi gong method for body and mind that became very popular in China.
  • Germany: German Nationals Sign Petition Protesting against the Cruelty of the Chinese Communist Party

    On July 1st, 2006, German Falun Gong practitioners organised an event in support of the eleven million Chinese who have resigned from the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its associated organisations. They displayed pictures depicting the CCP's history, exposing to the world the cruelty of the party. Posters also showed the persecution of Falun Gong.
  • French Senator Condemns the CCP's Harvesting Organs from Living Falun Gong Practitioners

    A French senator asked his assistant to send an email message to the French Office of the Coalition to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong in China (CIPFG) on July 12th 2006. The message indicated: "The senator felt indignant over the brutal and bloody atrocities happening in China (referring to the Chinese Communist regime's harvesting organ from living Falun Gong practitioners). The senator will receive CIPFG members in his office in due course."
  • Author of Canadian Independent Investigation Report Visits Germany to Help Expose the CCP's Organ Harvesting

    On July 14th and 15th 2006, David Kilgour, former Secretary of State (Asia-Pacific) for Canada, met with German politicians in Berlin. On Friday July14th, Mr. Kilgour had long conversations with Minister of Foreign Affairs Mr. Gerberlich and the new Human Rights Commissioner Mr. Nook. Mr. Kilgour and Canadian human rights lawyer David Matas recently released a report confirming that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is harvesting organs from live Falun Gong practitioners to sell for profit. Mr. Kilgour shared the findings of his investigation with the German ministers.
  • Danish News Agency (Ritzau): The CCP harvests organs for sale

    'During Thursday’s press conference, McMillan-Scott urged the United Nations to investigate into this issue. He thought that China’s right to host 2008 Olympic Games should be abolished. Kilgour suggested that westerners who had organ transplant operations in China should at least pay tax for buying an organ. Falun Gong is an exercise like Yoga with millions of people practicing it. This spiritual movement does not get involved in any political affairs. However since 1999, the Chinese government regarded it as a threat'.
  • Statement from Vice-President of the European Parliament: “There is enough circumstantial evidence to alert the international community to what amounts to genocide”

    "The United Nations’ annual report on China has since 1999 consistently documented widespread human rights violations committed by the Chinese communist regime against Falun Gong practitioners in China. Such violations include illegal arrests and detentions, brainwashing, torture and killing. Now, the atrocities have culminated into the most despicable crime of all – removing organs from living Falun Gong practitioners held as prisoners of conscience n China’s gulag-like network of jails and labour camps, and selling them at huge profit to unsuspecting victims worldwide who are in desperate need of transplants. The UN owes the world an enquiry."
  • France: Displaying the Beauty of Falun Dafa on Bastille Day

    July 14th is Bastille Day, the most important national holiday in France. Falun Gong practitioners held performances and demonstrations of the Falun Gong exercises. Practitioners told spectators that while they are celebrating this national holiday together, a lot of Falun Gong practitioners in China are being brutally persecuted.
  • UK Councillor: “The WHO must intervene … to see that this illegal and unethical practice is halted”

    "I am writing to support the call of the British Transplantation Society Ethics Committee for an international investigation into organ harvesting in China. Like many, I have been shocked by stories coming out of China of organ matching and transplant, without consent, from condemned prisoners. The abuses appear particularly to centre on members of the persecuted Falun Gong sect. This has been widely documented by Amnesty International and many journalists working in China."