Practitioner Forum, Benefits from the Practice

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  • Participating in the Redemptive Work of Shen Yun with Compassion and Righteous Thoughts

    If any problem were to occur on stage, in the orchestra, or wherever, we would not blame any one individual, and, instead, take it as an omission of our team. I also reminded everyone not to gossip about any shortcomings or mistakes we might notice in the performance. We had to eliminate any such thoughts as soon as they appeared so as to avoid reinforcing them.
  • Eliminating Karma and Cultivating the Heart

    I have understood that anything that a cultivator encounters is not accidental and contains elements that the practitioner needs to cultivate. However, only by using the criteria of Dafa to judge and handle any issues and conflicts has one really cultivated him or herself and walked along the righteous path, that is, had righteous enlightenment.
  • Unending Tears of Gratitude

    In early 2000, as the police arrested my father, they shouted angrily, "We just want to make difficulties for your child! She will have no school to attend and no food to eat! Just see if you still want to practice Falun Gong!" Nine years later, I have grown up and matured. Dafa forged and created me.
  • More Group Fa-study Sites Need to Be Established

    Group Fa-study is a process of cultivation through which we can improve as one body. Group study helps us to regard the Fa as Teacher, to be more strict with ourselves, and to be more diligent. In this way, we will be able to let go of human notions like fear or seeking comfort.
  • Cultivating Away Attachments to Computers

    Even though I knew it was bad, I was loathe to quit these games--after all, I'd already been doing this for seven years. While playing, when other people congratulate you or admire how you can play well, I get happy. The feelings of showing off, caring about reputation, and all the attachments of validating oneself are thoroughly exposed.
  • Turning "Bad Things" into Good Things

    A few days later I told them, "Do you know why I treat you like my family members and don't view you as enemies? It's because I know that it is not by your own free will that you monitor me. You are being used by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) because you want to make a living. You are also victims."
  • An Understanding about Righteous Thoughts

    One day in 2004, I steeled my will that I would go out to clarify the facts about the persecution of Falun Gong. I prepared a small bag and put some water in it. After eating lunch I shouldered the bag and went out. That afternoon I clarified the facts to a number of people, and they all agreed to make the "three withdrawals"
  • A Florist Learns That Falun Gong Is Good

    "Have you heard about Falun Gong?" When he said he didn't know about it, I asked, "You don't know or you don't want to know?" He replied, "I don't want to know." I said, "This is such a big issue that I think you should know the facts about Falun Gong
  • Cherish the Time to Do What We Are Supposed to Do Well

    There is no skipping in cultivation. If I fail to pass one test, it will come back again until I pass it. Now that I understand the problem, I pay special attention to arranging my schedule, eliminating my attachments to anxiety and fear of bad job performance and make sure I study the Fa well.
  • Hatred Also Creates Karma

    Since Master has made it clear that, for a cultivator, divorce is an omission in cultivation, I didn't dare to divorce, and thus maintained the marriage, but I didn't regard my husband as my husband, and I also intensely resented my mother-in-law.
  • Cultivation Practice Is Serious

    I realized that practitioners who haven't done well in the past should reflect on themselves and fully understand that cultivation in Dafa is serious. They should realize the great importance of this problem and review the paths that they have taken with all due seriousness. If they have done something wrong, they should correct themselves quickly.
  • Studying the Fa and Raising Xinxing - The Only Way to Pass Tribulations

    When I studied the Fa well and kept cultivating myself, the interference gradually disappeared. My mind could not be interfered with anymore. The environment was also changing. I started to actively clarify the truth and do work to save sentient beings. I helped fellow practitioners to pass through sickness tribulations and saved detained practitioners
  • Looking Within Is Essential to Eliminating Gaps Among Practitioners

    Regardless of what kind of shortcoming a practitioner has or whether one wants to change it or not, we should still work well with them. We don't look down on them, complain or point fingers at them, or feel unfairly treated.
  • Solving Family Issues Mercifully

    If I refused to listen to them, they would get very angry. I never lost my temper, no matter how much I felt wronged. I always endured them. Whenever opportunities arose, I would tell them how glorious and sacred Dafa is, Dafa's broad and profound content and the meaning of cultivation practice. Gradually, they stopped interfering with my Dafa practice, but they would still keep a close watch on me.
  • Genuine Cultivation Versus Gaining Merit

    Subconsciously I thought, "I have done so much for so long. And I have been persistent when doing things, surely Master will let me reach Consummation." Then when Master said, "If you fail to improve and achieve Consummation, where will the sentient beings that you save go?"("Fa Teaching at the 2008 New York Conference"), I started to realize that there was something wrong.