Practitioner Forum, Open Discussion, Benefits from the Practice

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  • Torture Re-enactments Powerfully Expose Jiang Zemin and His Regime, Terrified Xinhua News Agency Fabricates New Lie

    The Internet is heavily restricted in China, and people are banned from reading the Minghui website. The journalists of are not allowed to conduct interviews inside Chinese prisons or labour camps, nor are they allowed to publish persecution facts openly inside China. The Xinhua News Agency's reaction in the face of the facts reveals how terrifying such truths are to them.
  • Commentary on Another Slanderous Report by Jiang Zemin's Faction

    The torture demonstration pictures are re-enactments based on the victims' description, and their purpose is to recreate the brutal torture inflicted upon Falun Gong practitioners. However, Jiang Zemin and his group's mouthpiece media claims Falun Gong practitioners were "creating false pictures of the persecution."
  • When People in Authority Learn the Truth, They Protect Falun Dafa

    In 2002, a policeman in Henan Province actively participated in persecuting Falun Dafa practitioners and their families. Later, he fell ill with cancer. On the verge of death, he suddenly came to understand the principle that good and bad receive their just due. He started to practise Falun Dafa and recovered. His health is almost back to normal now. He publicly tells others the benefits of practising Falun Dafa and opposes those who slander it.
  • My Family's Path in Practising Falun Dafa Under the Awful Persecution in China

    Among my family members was my father, who started practising Falun Dafa at the beginning of 1996. He improved greatly in both mind and body and as a result, my mother, sister, husband, two children and I also started to practise Falun Dafa. Our whole family, including my 3-year-old child, all the way up to the 70-year-old members of the family, lived in harmony and happiness, and we forged ahead diligently on the path of improving ourselves.
  • A Young Falun Dafa Practitioner Returns to School with the Support of Fellow Practitioners

    I did not feel the atmosphere was right after I got to school. I realised what had happened when Teacher Wang asked me to have a talk with him. Teacher Wang took a firm stance and as my righteous thoughts were not strong I failed to clearly tell him about why I practise Falun Dafa and why the persecution is wrong. Teacher Wang repeatedly said, "The power is in the hands of the Communist Party. It does not allow you to practise Falun Gong, although Falun Gong is good."
  • A Taxi Ride and Trip to the Market Finds Members of the Public in Support Falun Gong in Panjin City, China

    I could tell from the taxi driver's facial expression that the brutality Jiang Zemin and the Chinese Communist Party used to persecute Falun Gong frightened him. He went on and said excitedly: "I would rather believe in Falun Gong than in the Party. The Chinese Communist Party is so corrupt that I have completely lost confidence in it. The corrupt officials are all Party members. They say nice things but do bad deeds. They have deceived and hurt the people so much.
  • Solemn Declarations By People Who Have Come to See the Truth about Falun Gong

    Against my will, I once again wrote things slandering Falun Gong. However, I now understand the truth about Falun Gong. Falun Gong teaches people to be good according to the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance and has allowed millions of people to obtain a healthy mind and body. The evil lies have deceived us and poisoned students' minds by spreading hatred into the schools. This is indeed evil to the extreme.
  • A Report from Manhattan on New Yorkers' Comments on the Anti-Torture Exhibitions

    People came to learn the facts about the persecution and to sign the petition despite the bleak weather, which shows how sincere they were in supporting Falun Gong. A Chinese restaurant owner exclaimed aloud when he saw practitioners persevering in the near-zero temperature, “You are continuing your activities in such cold weather? My best wishes to you.”
  • A Falun Dafa Practitioner's Christmas Wish

    He gave a beautiful, heartfelt speech about how he learnt this year at college that we should not be afraid to open our minds to new ideas and ways of life. Every word was spoken from his heart, and I felt that everyone was listening deeply to him. Just when I was thinking about how much better an ordinary person had done than I had, at the very end of his speech, he said, "I want everyone to know that this very idea stems from my sister," and gesturing to me, he said "this is how I looked at what she got out of Falun Gong this year."
  • Whole-Heartedly Fulfilling My Responsibilities

    In January of 2004, I thought that I should go to the countryside since I had distributed materials frequently in the city. Especially in remote mountains, people did not know what Falun Gong was. I asked a practitioner to go to the remote mountains with me. We went there on a bus and walked back. That night, we walked through five villages and distributed several thousand leaflets.
  • Turkey: New Practitioners Diligently Introduce Falun Dafa and Expose the Persecution

    “You see nowadays people live very tensely due to their stressful lives and economic situations, yet you bring such good exercise which can relax and improve people’s health. Thank you very much!” I said, “Then you should thank our Master!” He said, “Please send my thanks to your Master.”
  • How Long Can the Xinhua News Agency Continue to Support Jiang's Regime?

    On the 20th of November in 2004, Beijing's satellite TV system was tapped into and a video highlighting the true facts about Falun Gong entitled "Between Heaven and Earth" was aired. People in many cities and provinces of Mainland China were thereby given a chance to learn the truth about the self-immolation in Tiananmen Square, an act of state-terrorism staged by the former Chinese dictator Jiang Zemin and his regime.
  • New York Supreme Court Hears the Lawsuit Against Liang Guanjun for the Assault of Falun Gong Practitioners

    On the 20th of December in 2004, oral arguments were heard by the New York Supreme Court in the case of the public assault of Falun Gong practitioners. Liang Guanjun (closely affiliated with the Chinese Communist Party) and others were charged with the public assault of Falun Gong practitioners outside New York Chinatown's Yidong Restaurant in June of 2003.
  • Learning Chinese and Reading the Chinese Version of Zhuan Falun

    He was very interested in Tai-Ji, meditation and so on and began practising these disciplines all the time. About one and half years ago he met a woman who practised Falun Gong while he was practising Tai-Ji in Malaysia. This lady told him what Falun Gong was all about and the persecution happening in China. After having listened to this lady he came to a certain understanding about Falun Gong. He realised that it is what he’d been looking for, and after a period of time, he firmly took the path of returning to his original, true self through practising Falun Gong.
  • Two Kinds of Falun Gong Practitioners

    The second group puts their own elevation and personal cultivation first. They have the attachment of getting rid of their attachments, the attachment to doing things, and have a hidden show-off mentality, zealotry, jealousy, and competitiveness. They are self-centred. On the surface, they are validating Dafa, but in essence, they are validating themselves. With no sense of security, they see the persecution of Falun Dafa as a way to establish their mighty virtue and to improve themselves.