Letter of Support from Canada's Member of Parliament Shawn Murphy to Canada's Prime Minister Jean Chrétien

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October 28, 2002

Dear Mr. Chrétien,

I would like to commend you for your support of the peaceful movement of Falun Dafa (also known as Falun Gong) and encourage you to actively speak out against the persecution of Falun Dafa practitioners by the Government of China.

Falun Gong is a practise used by millions of people worldwide, including many in Canada, to strengthen the body, mind and spirit through exercise, meditation and teachings based on ancient Chinese tradition. Those who live by the principles of Falun Dafa, Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance, make a positive addition to Canada's rich cultural mosaic.

As you are aware, the Government of China has outlawed the practise of Falun Dafa. The Government is forcibly deterring practitioners from participating in meditation, and has detained, tortured and executed hundreds of citizens.

I urge you to vocalise Canada's support for Falun Dafa by bringing up the subject at international conferences. I am confident that if Canada sets a precedent by speaking out against China's abuses, many nations will follow in our path.

Thank you very much for your support in this matter. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.


Shawn Murphy, M.P

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