A Glorious Future Awaits Those Who Assimilate to Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance

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There was a small shop right across from the place where I worked in 1997. The owner often came to our workplace to ask my colleagues to pay what they owed her for their cigarettes, wine, and other things. She had a bad temper and I found her to be quite loathsome. One day, I was amazed to see her later at the hairdresser's, which was located at my workplace. She was soft-spoken, gentle, and polite. Her complexion was delicate and glowing. I couldn't help asking her, “How did you change so much?” She said, “I practise Falun Gong.”

I thought to myself, “Could Falun Gong really help someone change that much in such a short time?” I said, “Please teach me how to practise,” and she agreed. I went to look for her a few days later. When I held a copy of Zhuan Falun, the principle teaching of Falun Gong, I had a passionate desire to read it. I thought, “This is truly offering salvation to sentient beings. A person can have a beautiful life and shouldn't have illness. I want to practise. I definitely will cultivate.” I then earnestly and sincerely asked for a copy of Zhuan Falun.

The first time I read Zhuan Falun, I finished it in four days. When I read it again, I could feel Master purifying my body and cleaning out my illnesses. My liver disorder was cured. My nose wasn't stuffed up and I could breathe easily. My eardrum was no longer inflamed and my insomnia disappeared. My anaemia was cured and my pale cheeks became flushed.

An interesting thing happened to me. I never liked the cold weather and wore more clothes than anyone else in the winter. I started practicing in the middle of winter. I returned from the mountainside early one morning after doing the exercises and wanted to take a bath. I got everything ready and turned on the water, but only cold water came out. What should I do? I said to myself, “No problem, I'm a practitioner.” So I took a cold bath but I didn't feel cold. What was even more surprising was that the bathroom was filled with steam, steam rising up from my own body! This is something I could never have imagined in the decades before I obtained the Fa.

I had never done heavy work in my life. You could say I had an easy life. My family asked me to buy a 30 kilogram bag of rice shortly after I began practising. This was something I had never done before. I thought, “I will do this well because I'm Falun Dafa practitioner.” I didn't object and thought I should do what I was asked to do. The 30 kilogram sack never seemed heavy from the moment I picked it up and carried it over 300 metres and up six floors of stairs. I wasn't tired in the least.

My illnesses were cured after I began practising Falun Dafa. The medical expense account that I submitted to my company for a refund was zero. It reflected well on me compared to my colleagues, whose medical expenses were high. As a result, my boss gave me a 1,000-yuan bonus every year.

Our workplace is a branch of a government department. A hotel that we managed made a good profit. However, employee management was tough because many employees were relatives of those who worked in the upper levels. Regulations were loose, particularly in the area of “cashier.” There was graft in the amount of several thousand yuan a month, but they couldn't find the source of corruption. This was a big headache for my bosses. I was assigned to manage the cashier at the front desk after I began practicing Falun Dafa. I strictly followed the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. I was conscientious and meticulous with details and took my work seriously. When I noticed loopholes, I took measures to address them. There was a big change within a few months. The management was astounded. Their expenditures were the same, but the income was dramatically increased. Fixing the loopholes produced income.

My workplace is at the foot of the mountain. One day I was practising on the mountain when I noticed my boss behind me. She wanted to practise Falun Gong, but Jiang Zemin began the persecution at that time. Unfortunately, she lost the opportunity to learn.

I have worked at my office for a long time. Looking back over the last few decades, I have seen the contamination from the Chinese Communist Party(CCP) culture. In order to exist and to acquire fame and wealth, people jockey for position; shamelessly flatter others; and are opportunistic, double-dealing, and hypocritical. Indifference seems to have become the way of life. The workplace has become an arena to gain fame, wealth, and power and to vie with others for self-benefit. The bad habits developed in the work environment have seeped into family life. Due to the pressures at work and home, people have become materialistic and are headed towards destruction. I am lucky to have obtained the Fa in such a perilous time. I understand that only by living according to Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance, the principle of great Fa of the Universe, will one be blessed with eternal happiness.

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