Taiwan: Students in Minghui School Draw Pictures to Help Rescue Orphans of Persecuted Falun Gong Practitioners

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To rescue very young Falun Gong practitioners being persecuted in China and help them to live in a free and safe place, practitioners across the world, along with other kind-hearted people, are conducting a series of activities. Students in the Taipei Minghui School drew pictures to call on people to rescue those children living in hardship whose parents are being persecuted by the Chinese Communist Party because they practise Falun Gong. The Minghui School students hope that via these drawings, more people will learn of the grace of Falun Dafa and the cruelty of the persecution in China.

Children focus intently on drawing pictures to clarify the truth

The students are between 5 and 12 years old. Based on their own understandings, they drew pictures to express their heartfelt wishes. Practitioners in China are being persecuted simply because they persist in practising Falun Dafa and in explaining the facts of Dafa and the persecution to the world's people. Many practitioners were even tortured to death and their children suffer terribly from having lost their parents, hard living conditions, and discrimination in schools due to the persecution. These children are waiting for help.

We hope that all kind-hearted people and the governments of every country will pay attention to the Falun Gong children and help rescue them to free countries. We also hope that they will have a peaceful life and a warm home as we do.

Young practitioners' drawings:

Mom steps towards the truth in a rainbow and strong wind Falun Gong orphan thinks of her previous warm home

Her father was taken away by thugs Mom being taken to police van; she has not been released since then

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