US Congressman Sam Johnson's Letter of Support for the Rescue of Charles Li

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Dear Mr. Sun:

Thank you for your correspondence regarding Charles Li, a Falun Gong practitioner. I appreciate you taking time to inform me of your views on this issue.

Mr. Li, an American citizen, was detained two days after he arrived at the Guangdong airport in southern China on January 22, 2003. Chinese officials claim he was arrested on suspicion of sabotaging radio and television broadcasting systems. However it is more likely that this incident is the result of the systematic persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in China.

Religious persecution is on the rise around the world, particularly in countries like India, Russia, China, Sudan, Vietnam, Egypt, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and elsewhere. The United States must not accept global religious persecution, and I will work to ensure that we formulate an maintain a policy which reflects that principle.

Please know that I will continue to monitor this situation, Thank you again for contacting me and do not hesitate to do so in the future.

Sam Johson

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