Sweden: Letter from Practitioners to the Foreign Minister, Anna Lindh

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Dear Anna Lindh

We write to you concerning a matter we consider very urgent and severe. It's about almost four years of persecution against people who practise Falun Gong in China.

As you know, this persecution is a crime against the human rights of Falun Gong practitioners through brutal violence. This persecution should have never happened in the first place and it definitely should not continue. On every level this persecution of innocent people is wrong.

In the shadow of the war that is happening at the moment, the persecution of people who practise Falun Gong in China is intensifying. Whilst the world's attention is drawn to a different country, the Chinese leader is taking this opportunity to brainwash and kill his own people.

We think that Europe and the UN must stand up concerning this issue.

Sweden has been given a unique opportunity to raise this issue in the UN and also on other occasions, due to the fact that Sweden has become a role model in advocating peace and human rights. Right now, the UN is holding its annual human rights meeting in Geneva, and we request you as the foreign Minister of Sweden and our country’s representative, to initiate and urge a resolution against China.

We have taken note of your courage and commitment on other issues, and we are convinced that you are the right person to help improve fundamental human rights in China and to help end the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in China.

With best regards

Swedish Falun Dafa practitioners

Translated from http://se.clearharmony.net/articles/200304/5705.html

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