Press Release: FDI Germany: Let's Work Together to Stop the Persecution against Falun Gong by China

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A press release from the Falun Dafa Information Centre in Germany

July 18th, 2002.

Three years ago on July 20, 1999, China started the persecution against Falun Gong practitioners. Jiang's regime banned Falun Gong on July 22, 1999. From then on, over one hundred thousand practitioners have been arrested, tens of thousands sent to labour camps without legal trials and hundreds tortured to death. Falun Gong, with its five sets of exercises, is the Buddha Law based on the principle of "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance." Falun Gong is just like other peaceful beliefs, being a principle to live by. However, the ruling authorities fear that their political power might be threatened. It is their paranoia that has lead to the brutal persecution of Falun Gong.

Why has the persecution lasted for three years?

Three years ago in July 1999, something happened on the streets in China. A bulldozer piled up thousands of books, records and tapes and the police set fire to them. Before the event, people used to think that such a scene could only be seen on the movies or reports about the Nazis. On the night of July 19, there were police raids on practitioners' homes. During that night, hundreds of people were arrested just because they practised the peaceful, traditional cultivation, and many people went missing. The next few days after July 20 just in Beijing there were thirty thousand people detained in a sports arena.

The persecution happened just because China's leader felt his political power was threatened. The leadership felt threatened by those people who had no interest in politics and just wanted to exercise their basic human rights.

The “610 Office” manipulated the persecution. It was set up on Jiang's orders on June 10, 1999 for the purpose of persecuting Falun Gong. It is under the direct control of the government and is not regulated by any law.

The long reach of the regime's persecution in other countries

This year, the pressure from Jiang can be clearly felt, especially during his frequent international visits. Several weeks ago, some democratic countries accepted the "black list" compiled by China's secret agents, on which were listed the names of residents in Europe, America, Canada, Asia and Australia. During Jiang's visits to Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia, a "black list" was utilised to deny Falun Gong travellers entry into these countries. In this way, people's democratic rights were threatened. During Jiang's visit to Germany this April, the German government yielded to Jiang's request. Those who called on China to protect human rights, people of Asian descent and the colour yellow were kept from Jiang's sight.

This March, Falun Gong practitioners who set up a legal sit-in appeal in front of the Chinese Government Liaison Office in Hong Kong were driven away with violence. Sixteen practitioners were prosecuted. Regarding the Hong Kong government's treatment of Falun Gong, this incident draws international attention and makes people doubt the promise of "one country, two systems."

The Chinese Embassies in foreign countries abuse their political power to escalate the persecution against Falun Gong. Exhibitions against Falun Gong have been held in Chinese Embassies. Under diplomatic immunity, the Chinese Embassy does not have to worry about the consequences of their actions in democratic countries.

China abuses political power to persecute Falun Gong.

The Chinese government uses state-run media for its propaganda. Opposing opinions or criticism are never reported. So far 1,500 web sites have been shut down, and access to the web sites of foreign newspapers are being withheld. Even BBC World television news broadcasts, available throughout the world, are blocked in China. A spokesman in London for the BBC said, "The reason is that there was a report on BBC World about the banned spiritual group Falun Gong."

In China there is no independent court. The government departments show contempt for the constitution and civil freedoms of speech and belief. Falun Gong practitioners are arrested and sent to labour camps and mental hospitals without legal trials. Because of their unwillingness to sign their names on the statement to give up Falun Gong, the practitioners are tortured not only by the prison guards but also by the prisoners.

The persecution has lasted for three years, and so has the peaceful journey

Four hundred and thirty eight practitioners have been proven to have been tortured to death (according to the unofficial report at least 1600 practitioners), over one hundred thousand practitioners have been arrested, over ten thousand practitioners been imprisoned, and countless homes have been broken. Despite the brutal persecution, Falun Gong practitioners still live their lives by the principle of "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance." Have they been treated fairly and justly?

Although the persecution has lasted for three years, Falun Gong will continue to flourish in China and other countries because righteousness will last forever and truth cannot be covered up. To inform the world of the extent and facts of the persecution, to stop the suppression, to gain the release of the practitioners imprisoned in labour camps, prisons and mental hospitals, and to regain the freedom to practice Falun Gong in China, we appeal for everyone's support. Let us work together to stop the persecution against Falun Gong.

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