Fears for Practitioner Tortured 11 Times - Close to Death, Her Whereabouts Unknown

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Wang Yunman is a lady who is around 46 years old. She used to work at the Shijiazhuang plastics factory. She has a daughter in high school and an elderly mother-in-law who badly needs care and attention. Wang Yunman used to have many physical ailments but they all cleared up after she started to practise Falun Gong. She went to Beijing four times to appeal and has been detained by the police 11 times. She went on hunger strike 6 times to protest against her illegal imprisonment.

Here are the details of some of the persecution she has endured:

On October 17 1999, she went to Beijing to appeal, and was arrested while sitting on Tiananmen Square. Police tortured her using the excruciating "Carrying a Sword in the Back" [The practitioner's hands are tied behind her back with one hand over the shoulder and the other hand against the lower back. The police then apply a great deal of force to pull the two hands toward one another and handcuff the two hands together] to force her to tell them her address, and then policemen from the Gexin police station of Shijiazhuang city escorted her back home. One thousand eight hundred Yuan [Chinese currency, the average rural worker earns about 200 Yuan per month] was illegally taken from her by the police head Qiao Zhimin (now working at the Xinhua Branch of the public security bureau), and she was detained for 30 days.

On February 28, 2000, she was arrested on Tiananmen Square and handcuffed at Shijiazhuang city's liaison office in Beijing for about 12 hours. She was subsequently fired by her employers and her whole family had to rely on her husband's pension for a living.

On May 13 2000, she intended to go to Beijing to appeal but was intercepted at the railway station. In the evening of May 14, Zhao Zhiqiang, the deputy head of the Gexin street police station, together with two policemen, tortured her for three days. Overcome with exhaustion and in acute pain, she fainted many times during that period. When she fainted, the policemen, devoid of any pity, would drench her with hot water to wake her up and then continue torturing her. She was detained for 28 days, and then Liu Yazhan extorted 500 Yuan from her family before releasing her.

It's said that Wang Yunman was abducted to the Shijiazhuang 2nd Detention Centre in the summer of 2001 because she was telling people about the horrific persecution that she and other practitioners have suffered. In January 2002, she started a hunger strike to protest against the heartless crimes inflicted on practitioners in the detention centre. A long-term hunger strike put her into a critical situation. On September 9 2002, a very thin but resolute Wang Yunman was illegally brought to trial by the Qiaoxi district court. Since she had very strong righteous thoughts, the trial ended without a conclusion.

It's said that Wang has been almost tortured to death. To shirk their responsibility, the policemen claimed that she had already been released, but her family haven't received any news from her. It's unknown where she is or even if she is still alive.

Zhao Zhiqiang, the deputy head of the Gexin street police station, is extremely cruel and inhumane. Zhao recently contracted a strange, painful disease. We want to remind those who persecute Dafa practitioners that they will be punished by the law of both Earth and Heaven if they don't stop in time and make up for their mistakes.

List of phone numbers (Shijiazhuang area code is 311, please dial 86-311 first):

Qiaoxi district court, Shijiazhuang city: address: 34 Ziqiang street.

Office: 7026151;

Dong Jianyi: 7026122(office), 3017552(home), 86-13503208728(mobile)

Xu Fubin: 7025963(office), 3995933(home)

Cao Junying: 7025970(office), 3029108(home)

Zhang Yaping: 7010346(office), 6076531(home)

Jue Zengyi: 7010346(office), 3018269(home)

Liu Zhanguo: 7039372(office), 6021493(home)

The Qiaoxi district procuratorate of Shijiazhuang city:

Office: 7023403;

Li Binhai: 7027916(office), 3992886(home)

Zhao Shenli: 7023407(office), 3030633(home)

Ba Changgeng: 7023459(office), 3826328(home)

Du Guojiang: 7023459(office), 7028189(home)

Wang Zhizhong: 7023903(office), 7760586(home)

Prosecution Section, Chen Hui: 7023442(office), 7773058(home)

Arrest Approving Section, Li Yanan: 7023342(office), 3054047(home)

Shijiazhuang first detention centre:

Office: 7783741;

Director, Wang Shuting: 7783741(office);

Deputy Director, Lie Shuzhen: 7783740(office);

Du Zhenjie: 7784074(office);

Office chief, Wang Li: 7783486(office)

Section head, Bai and Dong Jinhui, room 109-Yu Ben, room 110-Yan Lingxia;

Shijiazhuang first detention centre:

Office: 7755213;

Director, Du Xiling: 7755213(office);

Instructor, Zhang Hongqi: 7755202(office);

Deputy Director, Wang Zhibin: 7755202(office);

Gexin street police station of Shijiazhuang city: 7893919£¬7883523£¬7872014

Shijiazhuang city plastics factory:

Office: 6012976, Fax: 6021576, the Party office£º6016844

Manager: 6016842;

The Party secretary: 6015272;

Disciplining secretary: 6015271;

Union chief: 6015415;


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