Wang Jinfeng and Her Husband Still Homeless After Seven Years

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Name: Wang Jinfeng
Gender: Female
Age: Unknown
Address: Unknown
Occupation: Unknown

Date of Most Recent Arrest: May 2002
Most recent place of detention: Baoding City Detention Centre
City: Baoding City
Province: Hebei Province
Persecution Suffered: Detention, home ransacked, beatings, physical constraint, forced-feedings, brainwashing, electric shock
Key Persecutors: Tian Guangquan

Because they practise Falun Gong, Ms. Wang Jinfeng and her husband have been tortured by Tian Guangquan and the other officers from the Hanbei Police Station, in Baoding City, Hebei Province. They have been harassed, arrested, and imprisoned, and their residence has been ransacked. Consequently, Ms. Wang and her husband were forced to become destitute and homeless to avoid further persecution. Seven years has passed, and their parents have also been harassed and threatened.

In November 2001, Ms. Wang Jinfeng distributed materials which exposed the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) crimes. She was arrested by officers from the Hanbei Police Station. Because she refused to answer the officers' questions, an officer slapped her face and then cuffed her hands to the radiator pipes. She was also deprived of sleep.

At 7:00 a.m. the next morning, policeman Tian Guangquan took off her coat and then cuffed her hands behind her back to a pillar in the courtyard. Ms. Wang was wearing only a shirt. The officers kicked her, slapped her face and cursed at her. She was left cuffed out there until past 4:00 p.m. She was shaking in the freezing cold. Zhou Jixuan, then head of Hanbei Police Station, subsequently locked her up in a small room with iron bars for an entire evening. Over a month later, the two heads of the Zuanshi Street Committee went to Ms. Wang's residence to harass her and her family. Tian Guangquan later went to Ms. Wang's residence with approximately six other police officers attempting to arrest her again, but to no avail.

In May 2002, the head of Zuanshi Street Neighbourhood Association followed her and reported her to the local police station. Tian Guangquan and some other police officers arrested Ms. Wang and her two-year-old child, and locked her in the Baoding City Detention Centre. They snatched her home key, went to her residence and took her savings account certificate and other personal belongings. They also had the water and electricity in her residence cut off.

The next morning, Ms. Wang's husband was arrested by officer Tian Guangquan and detained at the Baoding City Detention Centre. After he was released a month later, Tian Guangquan, along with other officers once again went to his workplace, intending to take him to a brainwashing centre. He successfully escaped, and has since become destitute and homeless.

Ms. Wang held a hunger strike at the Baoding City Detention Centre. The guards took her to the hallway and force-fed her by inserting a rubber tube into her nostrils. After suffering more than twenty days of torture, Ms. Wang persisted in her belief in Falun Dafa. Tian Guanquan, collaborating with the party secretary from the Hanbei Administration Office, transferred her to the Xinshi District Brainwashing Centre.

Liu Jianping, head of the brainwashing centre, forced practitioners to watch materials that slandered Falun Gong. He also forced the practitioners to write responses. Dissatisfied with what Ms. Wang wrote, Liu Jianping had Liu Zeng, who is a member of the brainwashing centre, brutally beat Ms. Wang. Liu Zeng was formerly a thug from Jiangcheng Township, Baoding City. Well-known for gang fights, Liu Zeng was recruited by the Xinshi District 610 Office1 to torture Falun Gong practitioners. Liu Zeng slapped Ms. Wang's face and shocked her with electric batons. Suffering from the brutal torture, she was forced to write a guarantee statement renouncing Falun Dafa, though later she wrote another statement voiding it. After she was released, the police still frequently went to her residence to harass her. Because of that, she was also forced to become destitute and homeless, and is still in that situation today.


1. "The 610 office" is an agency specifically created to persecute Falun Gong, with absolute power over each level of administration in the Party and all other political and judiciary systems.

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