BBC: Amnesty reports on Asia-Pacific abuses

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China's treatment of Falun Gong members was criticised

Tuesday, 28 May, 2002

The annual review by the international human rights group Amnesty International has highlighted increased abuses in many countries in the Asia-Pacific region.

The group [...] accused the Chinese Government of using the war against terrorism to justify action against ethnic Uighur separatists, claiming they are linked to the al-Qaeda network.

Amnesty International

There can be no trade-off between human rights and security


Report on China

Amnesty said a campaign against crime in China led to a massive increase in executions - even for crimes such as bribery, tax fraud and selling harmful foods - and "a new wave of executions of people labelled as 'separatists'
or 'terrorists'" in the wake of 11 September.

Torture and ill-treatment remained widespread and appeared to increase against certain groups

The group also said around 200 members of the banned Falun gong group allegedly died in custody as a result of torture over the past year.

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