Police Arrest Ms. Chen Fang, a Practitioner from Xianning City, Hubei Province

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Note: The following is a shortened version of a longer and more detailed article that appeared on the minghui.ca website (Chinese version of Clearwisdom.net).

On the afternoon of July 14th, 2008, officers from the Wenquan Police Bureau and Shuangheqiao Police Station, of Xianning City, Hubei Province, arrested Ms. Chen Fang, a practitioner living in the Longtan area.

At 5 o'clock on July 14th, Ms. Chen Fang was forced into a car as she was walking with her daughter. Her neighbour wrote down the licence plate number. Informants said that it was a car from the Wenquan Police Bureau, in Xianning City, and the group of men who threw Ms. Chen Fang into their car were police officers from Wenquan Police Bureau and the Shuangheqiao Police Station. Soon after Ms. Chen was arrested, several policemen from Wenquan Police Bureau, Xianning City went to Ms. Chen Fang's home with an arrest document and forced her mother-in-law to sign it. Enraged at this, her mother-in law refused to sign the arrest document and chastised the police for behaving like gangsters. Ms. Chen Fang was arrested and taken to a brainwashing centre. Her husband, Mr. Yu Jinguang, has been sentenced to three years of forced labour and is still detained in Shayang Farm (a forced labour camp), in Hubei Province.

Chinese version available at http://minghui.ca/mh/articles/2008/7/23/182622.html

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