Short Stories of Clarifying the Truth

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1. On March 31, I met an old woman in her fifties who was holding a 13-month-old baby. I played with him, but the old woman told me, "This kid never smiles." Then I spoke to the baby, "Remember, Falun Dafa is good! You'll have a good future if you do." Then, the baby's eyes clinched into a thin line with his little mouth opened, and he smiled quietly.

2. On March 24, I met an old man sitting on a pile of hay at the roadside that couldn't get up on his own. I helped him get up and told him, "Falun Dafa is good," and he should tell everyone he meets, "Falun Dafa is good." After a few moments, he started saying to me, "Falun Dafa is good!"

3. On March 25, I met a female police officer. As I clarified the truth to her, her face started to relax slowly. We talked for almost an hour. In the end she said, an old friend of hers had given her the book Zhuan Falun [the main text of Falun Gong], but she never read it. She said she would find some quiet time to read it when she got home. When we were about to say goodbye, she looked at me and said, "Take care, be sure to take care."


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