Ms. Huang Shuyuan Suffered Persecution in the Qingyang District People's Hospital in Chengdu City, Sichuan Province

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Many hospitals have been participating in the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners under China's Communist regime. Quite often, detained practitioners carry out hunger strikes to resist the persecution, and the police take them to hospitals for force-feeding. While in the hospitals, practitioners have suffered various kinds of cruel treatment. At times, they have been injected with unknown substances.

Practitioner Ms. Huang Shuyuan, 59, was forcibly taken to Xiaotianzhu Police Station on July 28th, 2006. She was on Renmin South Street in Chengdu City at the time. Ms. Huang was taken to the Jinhua Brainwashing Centre that same evening. Six days later, she was taken to Chengdu Detention Centre, and then to Qingyang District People's Hospital after she went on a hunger strike.

The Qingyang District People's Hospital is a prison hospital on the fourth floor. It is equipped with many iron gates and iron-barred windows. There are 4 beds in each room. Each bed is equipped with a shackle weighing 15 kilogrammes. In the evening, one of the practitioner's hands is handcuffed to the bed. There is only a plastic bucket to serve as a toilet in the room. Old newspaper and other paper waste are used as toilet paper and sanitary pads. There is no place to wash or change clothes. Practitioners detained on the fourth floor are cut off from the outside world completely, and their family members have no way of reaching them.

Every day, the hospital staff forced four or five different kinds of intravenous drip into Ms. Huang. If she resisted, the guard would cuff both of her hands to the headboard and raise the head of the bed so that when she slid down, the handcuffs would cut painfully into her wrists. At the same time, they administered intravenous drips into her leg. The handcuffs became tighter and tighter from the pulling of her body weight. Once when the guard came at around 10:00 p.m. to remove the handcuffs, he couldn't do it, as they were so tight. The guard had to level the bed before he could release the handcuffs. The numbness in Ms. Huang's fingers and arms lasted for months, and she had trouble picking up items with her hands. Due to the poor hygienic conditions at the prison hospital, Ms. Huang's lower body developed thick scabs. Bleeding followed when the scab came off. She had trouble walking and tending to her daily needs. This lasted for several months.

Ms. Huang Shuyuan carried out a hunger strike for 28 days. Her blood pressure dropped to a very low level. The hospital personnel stopped taking her blood pressure, but they continued to administer the intravenous drips.

Li Jun, a police officer from Xiao Tianzhu Police Station, extorted 5,000 yuan1 from Huang Shuyuan's family and finally let her go home.


1. "Yuan" is the Chinese currency; 500 yuan is equal to the average monthly income of an urban worker in China.

Chinese version available at

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