Shanghai Women's Forced Labour Camp No. 5 Division Uses an Unknown Drug to Persecute Falun Gong Practitioners

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Guards from the No. 5 Division of Qingpu Women's Forced Labour Camp in Shanghai are persecuting Falun Dafa practitioners with an unknown drug. In order to further persecute those practitioners who firmly believe in Falun Dafa, the female guards imprison them separately from others and put the drug into their food. After eating their meals, the practitioners not only suffered vertigo, but also their mental state and memory was seriously impaired.

After an older practitioner ate the drugged meals, she acted confused all the time. She was even unable to count. Because the guards have isolated the steadfast practitioners, their vicious crimes have been completely concealed. Even now some practitioners don't know that they have been eating poisoned meals every day. For instance, practitioner Ms. Li Jinyu unknowingly ate the meals until she was released.

The unknown drug dissolves into water quickly. It is colourless and tastes slightly bitter. Most people can't detect it easily while eating their drugged meals. Division head Xu Jiejie incited the detained drug addicts to put the unknown drug into the practitioners' food. One practitioner witnessed how a drug addict put the unknown drug in the food of unsuspecting practitioners. The practitioner then strongly protested against this evil conduct.

Xu Jiejie then took the practitioner to her office, cursed her loudly and accused the practitioner of talking nonsense. The drug addict was also taken to her office and cursed. Due to this case, the drug addict was demoted. When Xu Jiejie gave a speech to all the drug addicts, she said, "This drug is very expensive. One pill cost 7 to 10 yuan1, so you can't admit that this is an intoxicant."

The Shanghai Women's Forced Labour Camp still severely persecutes practitioners. I hope that practitioners who learn the facts about the camp persecuting fellow practitioners with the unknown drug will reveal these facts to world's people and appeal to relevant departments for their release.

The names of the drug addicts who have participated in the crime or know about the crime include Li Li, Yu Wei, Ju Wenxian, Wang Xingdi, Gu Meiwen, Lu Yan, and Peng Hong.

Personnel who are responsible for persecuting the practitioners detained in the Qingpu Women's Forced Labour Camp in Shanghai:

Camp head Yang Fengying, ID number: 3156002
Camp political commissar Chen Lihua, ID number: 3156001
Heads from the division five: Xu Jiejie, ID: 3156032; Shao Dongsheng, ID: 3156100;
Jiang Qiqiong, ID: 3156081; Li Zhuolin, ID: 3156027
Guards: Li Can, ID: 3156174; Xi Jin, ID: 3156108; Jiang Wenjuan, ID: 3156159


1. "Yuan" is the Chinese currency; 500 yuan is equal to the average monthly income of an urban worker in China.

Chinese version available at

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