Practitioner Liu Xiaoming in Changsha City on Hunger Strike for Many Days, Rescue Effort Is Urgently Needed

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In May, Falun Dafa practitioner Liu Xiaoming, from Changsha City, Hunan Province, was arrested by the police. Ms. Liu has since gone on a hunger strike to protest against the detention and persecution. Rescue efforts are urgently needed.

Liu Xiaoming was a carer for eighty-year-old teacher Tang Xi of the Zhongnan Forestry Technology Institution. At around 10 o’clock on May 22nd, Ms. Liu was in the institution’s treatment centre. She was looking after Mr. Tang while Mr. Tang was hooked up to an IV. Ms. Liu took out a copy of Zhuan Falun1 . A staff member saw her and reported her to the authorities.

On the same morning, police from the Xinkaipu Police Station confiscated Ms. Liu's belongings from Mr. Tang’s house. They took away all of his Falun Dafa books and copies of leaflets exposing the persecution and arrested Liu Xiaoming. Ms. Liu may be detained at the Changsha City Detention Centre.

In early June, two policemen came to Mr. Tang’s house for a so-called "visit." They said that Ms. Liu is "very stubborn" and refused to tell them the source of her leaflets. The police said that she was on a hunger strike.

Liu Xiaoming works very hard at Tang Xi’s house and Mr. Tang had a very good impression of her. The police’s arrest of Ms. Liu and the confiscation of her belongings from Tang’s house made Mr. Tang feel very angry.

Organisations that are involved in persecuting Liu Xiaoming:

Xinkaipu Police Station, Tianxin Branch Police Department, Changsha City: 86-731-5579220, 86-731-5597195, 86-731-5572072, 86-731-5315603

Tianxin Branch Police Department:

Head of the police department, Ou Yike: 86-731-5175688
Political Committee member, Liao Jian: 86-731-5175678
Deputy head of the police department, Han Ding’an Xie Li, Qi Shuguang, Lin Zemin

Changsha City Detention Centre: 86-731-4074801, 86-731-4074802, 86-731-4074803, 86-731-4074830, 86-731-4074900, 86-731-4074928, 86-731-4074980


1. Zhuan Falun: This book comprises the principal teachings of Falun Dafa.

Chinese version available at

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