At Least 85 Practitioners Tortured to Death in Weifang City in the Past Six Years

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Jiang Zemin and the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)cooperated in applying their genocidal policies against Falun Gong practitioners, who peacefully persist in their belief in Truth-Compassion-Forbearance. They achieved this by using the totalitarian government's machinery, including the police and the media. In the six years between July 20th 1999 and July 20th 2005, the CCP, in violation of the Chinese constitution and by breaking numerous laws, has monitored, abducted, detained, tortured, and brainwashed Falun Gong practitioners and has sent many of them to forced labour camps and prisons. According to the Clearwisdom website, the verified number of deaths by torture of Falun Gong practitioners is 2,711. At least 85 Falun Gong practitioners from Weifang City have been tortured to death.

Among the 85 practitioners tortured to death in Weifang City, the oldest was 90-year- old Mr. Sun Zhongren from Anqiu City, and the youngest was 22-year-old Mr. Liu Zengqiang, who was enrolled at the Chinese Literature Department of Weifang Teacher Training College. They were abused and killed because they persisted in their beliefs.

Ms. Chen Zixiu was the first Falun Gong practitioner tortured to death in Weifang City. She was 59 years old.. On the afternoon of February 17th 2000, she was abducted at Weifang Train Station on her way to Beijing to appeal for Dafa. She was detained at the Chengguan Street Committee in the Weicheng District. At 9:00 a.m. on February 21st 2000, Ms. Chen Zixiu was beaten to death by perpetrators at the Chengguan Street Committee. After her death was exposed, her daughter Zhang Xueling was sent to forced labour.

Practitioner Ms. Su Baolan was tortured to death and her family abducted and sent to forced labour. Ms. Su was 35 years old and lived in Shidui Town, Anqiu City. In October 1999, Ms. Su and her parents, two sisters and her five-year-old nephew went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Dafa. They were abducted and detained. Ms. Su left home to avoid further persecution. She returned home in October 2001 and was abducted by officers from Shidui Town Police Station and from the Anqiu City 610 Office (1). She was sent to Anqiu City's 610 Office Brainwashing Class. In early November 2001, Ms. Su's body was found in a reservoir in Sanhe Village, Songguantuan Town in Anqiu City.

In October 2000, Ms. Su Baolan's father and her second younger sister were sentenced to three years of forced labour, and her mother and youngest sister were forced into exile. Su Baolan's father and her second younger sister were released in late 2003. After they returned home, her second sister gave up Dafa practice out of fear. Still, the perpetrators didn't let up in their persecution. On March 15th 2005, police officers from Anqiu City ransacked the homes of Su Baolan's parents and both of her sisters. They also abducted her parents and her youngest sister. Su Baolan's father was incarcerated at the Anqiu City Detention Centre for one month and was fined 2,000 yuan (2) before he was released. Su Baolan's youngest sister was held at the same detention centre for one month and was fined 10,000 yuan. She was then sent to a forced labour camp. Anqui police officials extorted over 40,000 yuan from Su Baolan's youngest sister .

Practitioner Mr. Liu Shuchun was abducted and sent to Changle Forced Labour Camp, where he died from one hour of torture. Mr. Liu Shuchun was around 38 years of age and was a farmer near Changyi City, Weifang. On January 3rd 2001, Mr. Liu was arrested and sent to Changle Forced Labour Camp in Weifang. Han Huiyue, the head of Group 2; Zhu Weile, deputy head of Division 2; and other perpetrators ordered inmates to brutally torture him. Mr. Liu persisted in his belief and refused to follow their orders. The inmates whipped him with a triangular belt for one hour, and one inmate hit his head with a hard stool, killing him instantly.

The heavenly principle that good and evil will be repaid accordingly will never change. There have been many instances of perpetrators and police officers receiving retributions. After his release from the labour camp, Zhang Jintao, the inmate who murdered practitioner Mr. Liu Shuchun, was run over by a car and his body was cut in two. From these cases, people are able to see that the CCP has relied on lies and slander to persecute Falun Gong.

We pay our highest respects to the 2,711 Falun Gong practitioners who were tortured to death while persisting in the truth!

We pay our highest respects to the 85 Falun Gong practitioners from Weifang City, who were tortured to death while persisting in the truth!


(1) "The 610 office" is an agency specifically created to persecute Falun Gong, with absolute power over each level of administration in the Party and all other political and judiciary systems.

(2) "Yuan" is the Chinese currency; 500 yuan is equal to the average monthly income of an urban worker in China.

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