Practitioners from Australia Expose the Persecution of Falun Dafa in Manhattan

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Since the beginning of the activities in Manhattan to expose the persecution, Falun Gong practitioners from Australia, like practitioners from around the world, have come to Manhattan to tell people about the truth. During the Christmas holidays, another group of Australian practitioners came to Manhattan. Having read many of the articles published about the efforts in Manhattan on the Clearwisdom and Pureinsight websites, practitioners immediately began participating in the activities as soon as they arrived. Their only adjustment was to the cold weather, the opposite of Australia's.

We said, "Falun Gong" while handing out flyers to people. Some people accepted our materials. Some said, "I've read it." Some said, "I already got one, thank you." Some didn't accept a flyer, but the words "Falun Gong" had entered the person's ears. In a word, no one wanted to miss one single living being who was savable.

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