Poem: The Summit

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To ascend where summits of cold and mountains prevail…
This “otherworldliness” where few venture and fewer reside.

Such narrow and often stony paths wend their way towards distant lands
(Clearer, somehow, when closer to horizons rather than under foot).
“Over worlds” above valleys crowded with throngs and the din of the marketplace
Where many a heart consumed by fear or contempt for solitude and realms aloft

Having descended into these lowlands, I remain breathing inside this world of unrisen airs,
Finding a glimpse beyond the conundrums of commonality and the usual choirs of consciousness.
Come, confide in more than reverie before crossing the threshold where transcendence abounds!

Truth, even if concealed within the loneliest of sparks, dares now to shine into the dark.
Let the fires ignite and lesser the shadows born.
Hurl will to the hour, the phoenix, barely half alive, must have its day again!
Wings stretching between magnitudes, minds and its minuscule scope…
Mere twilight compared to unimaginable suns above clouds and the “everyday.”

The wayfarer’s journey, if measurable, begins and ends in those places most familiar (here to home).
With virtue attained, no doubts cast upon such undertakings into boundless flights
Destined towards summit and eternity.

(Inspired by the profound journey of cultivation in Falun Dafa)

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