Poem: The Grand Trial

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The judge strikes his gavel like a giant anvil,
Silence! The trial starts in good order.
The large courtroom is filled with people who have willed
To come cross many a land and border.

A calm straightens each head as the charge is soon read,
Crimes so large in their scale it is obscene.
Completely horrible and so deplorable
That the likes of it have never been seen.

The Grand Trial is when in the hearts of all men,
Conscience and Justice right all that is wrong.
The Grand Trial is where secret deeds are laid bare,
For those who’ve persecuted Falun Gong.

The plaintiffs now explain the horror, grief, and pain
Inflicted against people who have learned
Falun Gong, which is known for the goodness its shown
And the peace for which they always have yearned.

Witnesses take the stand, so others understand
The illegal methods that have been used.
A personal story that’s brutal and gory
Displays how practitioners were abused.

The Grand Trial is when in the hearts of all men,
Conscience and Justice right all that is wrong.
The Grand Trial is where secret deeds are laid bare,
For those who’ve persecuted Falun Gong.

The defendant replies to questions with more lies,
Trying desperately and all in vain,
For the jury is clear, that these words they now hear
Are worthy only of utter disdain.

Now the verdict is in! Corrupt head Jiang Zemin
Is found guilty of the crime genocide.
His proven accomplice, the dark “610 Office”
Is held culpable for many who’ve died.

The Grand Trial has been in the hearts of all men,
Pulling the most insidious of weeds.
The Grand Trial has been in the hearts of all men,
Where no deceit can conceal evil deeds.

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