United States: Oregon Dafa Practitioners Successfully Hold a Falun Dafa Photo Exhibit in State Capital

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On May 5, 2003, Oregon Falun Gong practitioners held a Falun Dafa photo exhibition at the Oregon State Capital of Salem to kick off the World Falun Dafa Day celebrations of in Missouri. The exhibition enabled Oregon State Senators and government officials to gain a deeper understanding of Falun Dafa. State Governor, Ted Kulongoski, also issued a proclamation and proclaimed May 5, 2003 as "Oregon State Falun Dafa Day."

Dafa practitioners demonstrate Falun Dafa exercises at
the exhibition hall

Dafa practitioners teach the exercises

The photo exhibition had three themes: The spread of Falun Dafa worldwide, the brutal persecution in China and the support and recognition from countries worldwide. Some Dafa practitioners had visited State Senators' offices and invited them to come to visit our photo exhibition. They also informed the Senators of the latest information concerning Charles Li, in the hope that they can continue to offer their support in rescuing him. Practitioners told the Senators that they should not allow Jiang to escape the just trial using the excuse of "Sovereign Immunity."

As it was Monday there were many people coming to do business. Practitioners took the opportunity to introduce Falun Dafa to students who came to visit, and told them about the persecution against Falun Dafa in China as well as Jiang's atrocities. The response from those students was that it is incredible that such a peaceful exercise has received this type of treatment. Some people expressed their appreciation to Dafa practitioners for holding such an activity. They said that people need to learn about the truth and need to be awakened. Such persecution of innocent people is intolerable.

Under the banner reading "Falun Dafa - Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance," Dafa practitioners demonstrated the five sets of exercises. Many passersby stopped and watched. Several boys carefully looked through the photos and one of them asked a practitioner seriously, "Can we learn to practice the exercises?" The practitioner replied, "Of course, you can." So these boys attentively learned the fifth exercises and then left happily with Dafa materials. One middle-aged man pointed at the banner and said, "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance, I like Falun Dafa, thank you." Dafa practitioners were so happy that people who have learned about the truth of Falun Dafa will definitely realise the beauty of Falun Dafa. One woman had a long conversation with a practitioner in front of the display boards, and felt reluctant to leave. She said, "I'll read these materials carefully. What I need now is a practice that can truly relieve people's stress. It seems it is here." It was hard for her to understand the lies spread by the Jiang regime.

The Falun Dafa photo exhibition concluded at 5:00 p.m. Practitioners realised how important and urgent it is to let people know the truth.

The proclamation issued by Oregon State Governor Mr. Ted Kulongoski is as follows:

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