Letter from Australia MP Monica Gould to the Minister for Immigration and Multicultural Indigenous Affairs

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12 December, 2002

Hon Philip Ruddock MP

Minister for Immigration and Multicultural Indigenous Affairs

Dear Minister,

I write in relation to Falun Dafa and the persecution of many people associated with its practice.

You of course would be well aware of Mrs [name deleted]'s case here and the detail related to her seeking asylum in Australia. I would ask that Mrs [name deleted]'s application be look into as a matter of urgency because of, and considering the precarious positions of her husband's and child's welfare in China.

It has only been recently that seven Chinese Practitioners of Falun Dafa have been released from labour camps in China due to pressure bought to bear on the Chinese Government by various governments around the world, particularly by the Canadian Government.

It would be of great support and benefit not only to this family but to the whole of the Falun Dafa community in China and across the world if the Australian Government were to show that it considers Falun Dafa not to be threat of any type against any government or organization or person.

There is a global campaign for the release of all Falun Dafa labour camp detainees and recognition of the Practice.

I ask that the Australian Government take this opportunity to make a positive contribution to this global campaign.

Yours faithfully,

Monica Gould

Member for Doutta Galla
(Note: Monica Gould is the Victorian Minister for Education Services and Youth Affairs)

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