Practitioner Forum, Benefits from the Practice

2017 European Fa Conference | 2016 European Fa Conference | 2015 European Fa Conference | 2014 European Fa Conference | 2013 European Fa Conference | 2022 European Fa Conference | 2023 European Fa Conference | Local Fa-conference

  • Actively Assimilating to the Fa Vs. Passive Cultivation

    Practicing cultivation passively in this way will create an attachment to hardship and pressure, finally causing one to lose the right direction. Therefore, we Dafa disciples should look within to see whether we are actively assimilating to Dafa or passively cultivating. If we can change ourselves from being passive to active, we will suddenly be enlightened and our path underfoot will become naturally smooth.
  • Some Thoughts On the Saying, “The Appearance Stems From the Mind”

    After she heard Dongpo Su’s story, she said gently: “Brother, you lost! The monk’s heart is like a Buddha, so he saw you as if you were a Buddha. In contrast, your heart is like leather, so you saw the respectful monk like a pile of leather.”
  • A New Practitioner Shares Her Cultivation Experiences

    I found that my attachment to seeking comfort has been very strong and I was very pained when trying to eliminate it.When I was young, my parents adored me and I always liked to seek comfort. I thought that I was smart. The heart to seek comfort plays with the emotions of a practitioner. It affects my improving on the Fa.
  • Only By Genuinely Looking Inward and Cultivating Well Can One Save Sentient Beings

    However, since none of us had looked inward to preserve this environment, loopholes emerged in our cultivation and practitioners became lazy. Those who wanted to hand out materials experienced a lot of interference, and there seemed to be an unwillingness to do this task. As a result, my aversion to working with this group grew stronger.
  • Cultivate and Look Within

    We should not passively accept tribulations or passively send forth righteous thoughts. We should not passively rescue or help practitioners when tribulations come. Of course when tribulations come, we should co-ordinate well to rescue practitioners. We should be responsible to fellow practitioners' cultivation.
  • On Looking Inside When Faced with Criticism

    Upon encountering anything we're discontent with, dissatisfied with, we must always search inward and change ourselves. If we manage to do that, all conflicts will be resolved and everything in our environment will be changed.
  • Walking Solidly on the Path of Cultivation

    She used profane language against me and demanded monetary payment for her "emotional damage." She said that she wouldn't leave our house until my husband gave her money. Helpless, my husband did not know what to do, but I did not blame him at all.
  • Improving Myself through Fa Study and Cultivation Practice; Eliminating Unrighteous Thoughts

    On the surface I knew I should look inward and cultivate my own heart. I know it is my fault if I, a Falun Gong practitioner, should bicker or fight with a non-practitioner. I know it is 100% my responsibility as a cultivator, but I didn't know what I had done wrong! I was blind to the root cause of these secular thoughts.
  • We Must Change Our Selfish Mentality

    Fear is rooted in selfishness, and is a reflection of our attachment to self. Selfishness is the basic characteristic of the old universe; if there is no selfishness there would be no fear. I discovered in my cultivation that everyday people's mentality is one of selfishness and is therefore helping to preserve fear.
  • Transcribing Zhuan Falun from Memory, Being Clear on the Fa

    Through studying the Fa, I eliminated my fear of clarifying the truth and now I'm able to talk about Falun Gong openly and with dignity. In this way, I put the Fa in it's rightful position. No matter where I am, I can clarify the truth with confidence, calmly and openly.
  • Stories from Our Fa Study Site

    The police took him to a rural area and pushed him out of the vehicle. On those same two legs and keeping righteous thoughts, he hurried as if on wings back to Tiananmen Square before dawn to validate the Fa.
  • How Grandmother Cui Passed the Tests of Emotion and Material Gain

    After she woke up, she tried the lotus position again and a miracle happened: she could sit with both legs crossed, without feeling any pain in her legs. She was so joyful in her heart, because she knew that Teacher was still taking care of her!
  • Persistence in Fa Study Allows Us to Pass Through Tribulations

    At one time I fell in love, but I did not treat myself as a practitioner, did not conduct myself according to Teacher's words, and did things that a practitioner should not do. As a result I had serious symptoms of sickness karma, caused a negative impact on people, and brought great difficulties into my life.
  • A High School Student's Experience Cultivating in a New Environment

    "Have you heard that quitting the CCP can save your life?" He said, "Yes, I knew it, and I have already quit it." Then he told me that his neighbour helped him to quit the CCP. What a coincidence! I met someone who had already quit the CCP in my first effort of truth-clarification.
  • Completely Eliminate the Attachment of Lust

    Genuine cultivation takes place only after we put our understanding into solid action. As long as we study the Fa well, our attachments to this human world will not seem important. However, why can't many fellow practitioners let go of their attachments?