EFIC: Falun Gong Practitioners Initiate Worldwide 3-Day Appeal to Stop the Killing in China

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Verified: 43 Death Reports, 22 Killed by Police Since November, 2002

LONDON (European Falun Gong Information Centre) – In response to escalating reports of death by persecution in China, practitioners and supporters of Falun Gong around the world will hold public activities during a three-day, worldwide appeal, calling for an end to the killing.

The activities include peaceful appeals in front of Chinese embassies and consulates, candlelight vigils, and press conferences.

In London we will be holding a peaceful appeal at the Chinese Embassy in Portland Place starting at 3 pm on Sunday, 12 January 2003, and ending on 5 pm on 14 January 2003. A press conference will be held at 11 am on Monday 13 January 2002, also in front of the Chinese Embassy, at which Lord Thurlow will speak and at which it will also be possible to speak to victims of the persecution.

This appeal is in addition to the ongoing 24 hour appeal that practitioners have carried out since June 2002.

Falun Gong is practiced in over 50 countries worldwide. Appeals are anticipated in many of these countries.

Since November 2002, the EFIC has received 43 individual reports of practitioners of Falun Gong being beaten, tortured, and killed by authorities in China. 22 of the deaths reported actually occurred after November 1, while the remaining cases occurred prior to November. As information regarding the death of Falun Gong practitioners is severely blocked, it is sometimes months or even years before details can be discovered.

Chinese government sources say that for every report of wrongful death, as many as three others go unreported.

Falun Gong practitioners are asking that these cases be investigated and the perpetrators be stopped.

As Killings Continue, Jiang Faces Charges of Genocide in US Court

Falun Gong practitioners and supporters will hold peaceful appeals worldwide over the next three days, calling attention to the increased killing of practitioners in China. 43 new reports of wrongful deaths have been received since November.
Identified by China experts as the instigator and driving force behind the “annihilate-at-all-costs” campaign against Falun Gong, Jiang Zemin has adopted a policy of Genocide toward those who practice or are supportive of the practice.

“If you turn a blind eye to dictatorships...they can get away with literally murder. Saddam Hussein got away with gassing tens of thousands of his own citizens,” explains Brian Coleman, a member of the London Assembly. “In China, they're currently getting away with persecuting thousands of Falun Gong practitioners. Hitler got away in the 1930's with persecuting the Jewish community...that turned into Genocide in the 1940's.”

In October 2002, Falun Gong practitioners and their relatives suffering from Jiang’s persecution filed a lawsuit (http://faluninfo.net/displayAnArticle.asp?ID=6520) against him in US Federal District Court with charges of genocide.


Falun Gong, also known as Falun Dafa, is a practice of meditation and exercises with teachings based on the universal principle of “Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance.” It is a practice that was taught in private for thousands of years before being made public in 1992 by Mr. Li Hongzhi. Falun Gong has roots in traditional Chinese culture, but it is distinct and separate from other practices such as the religions of Buddhism and Taoism. Since its introduction in 1992, it quickly spread by word of mouth throughout China, and is now practised in over 50 countries.

With government estimates of as many as 100 million practising Falun Gong, China's President Jiang Zemin outlawed the peaceful practice in July 1999, fearful of anything touching the hearts and minds of more citizens than the Communist Party. Unable to crush the spirit of millions who had experienced improved health and positive life changes from Falun Gong, Jiang’s regime has intensified its propaganda campaign to turn public opinion against the practice while quietly imprisoning, torturing and even murdering those who practice it.

The European Falun Gong Information Centre has verified details of 551 deaths since the persecution of Falun Gong in China began in 1999. Government officials inside China, however, report that the actual death toll is well over 1,600, while expert sources estimate that figure to be much higher. Hundreds of thousands have been detained, with more than 100,000 being sentenced to forced labour camps, typically without trial.

Peter Jauhal 44 (0) 7739 172 452.
More contacts: http://www.falungonginfo.net/europe.htm
Email: [email protected]
Website: http://www.clearharmony.net

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