Two Chongqing City Female Dafa Practitioners Tragically Tortured to Death

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Long Gang, female, 33, was an employee at the Anju Town Food Supply Station in Tongliang County, Chongqing City. She twice went to Beijing to appeal for Dafa. Later she was illegally sentenced to two years of forced labour education and was jailed at the Maojiashan Female Forced Labour Camp in Chongqing City. To protest the illegal persecution, she went on a hunger strike. As a result, the police barbarically force-fed her, leading to perforation of her lungs. In order to shirk responsibility, the labour camp claimed that she contracted tuberculosis and asked her family members to take her home. After she returned home, she gradually recovered. However, the Tongliang County Police Department then ordered some thugs to kidnap her and sent her a detention centre where she was tortured for 4 months. On November 6, 2002, she tragically passed away at home.

Peng Dongjun, female, over 50, was an employee of the Anju Town Commercial Bureau in Chongqing City. She went to Beijing to appeal and was detained at a detention centre. Afterwards, she was sentenced to 4 years in prison. In 2002, she reached the limits of her endurance and sadly she passed away from the torture she suffered in the prison.

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