Frenzied Beating Leads to Death of 50 Year-Old Practitioner

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In the beginning of January 2002, Falun Dafa practitioner Sun Xiucai was tortured to death by demented police in Linqing City Detention Centre in Shandong Province.

Sun Xiucai, 50 years old, lived in Linqing City, Shandong Province. She began practising Falun Gong in 1995, and her physical and mental well-being and health both improved a great deal during her 7 years of cultivation. She learned how to be a better person. She was always strict with herself while being kind to others. She was well received by the people around her.

In December 2001, in order to let more people know the truth about the persecution of Falun Dafa, Sun Xiucai passed out truth clarifying materials. A misguided citizen turned her in. She was arrested in a friend's home that night. A policeman named Li Jianmin brutally beat her with a rubber nightstick. Sun Xiucai held firmly to her righteous thoughts. She did not speak one word. The police were at their wits' end, so they sent her to a detention centre.

We were informed that Sun Xiucai never woke up after losing consciousness, presumably after a frenzied beating in the detention centre. Due to information being blocked by the authorities, we do not have any further information.

Li Jianmin's phone number is 86-635-261-4017.

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