Torture Death of Dafa Practitioner in the Feng'nan City Detention Centre

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Falun Dafa Information Centre December 30, 2002 report: according to news today from Hebei Province, Falun Gong practitioner Liu Deyi was brutally tortured to death in the Feng'nan City Detention Centre, and the total number of Falun Gong practitioners who have died from persecution rose to 540.

Falun Gong practitioner Liu Deyi was a resident of Feng'nan City, Hebei Province. He was 45 years old. He suffered from numerous illnesses before he practised Dafa, and afterwards became physically and mentally healthy. After Liu Deyi was illegally detained at Feng'nan City Detention Centre, he firmly refused to write the "guarantee statement" [renouncing Dafa]. Due to his steadfast belief in Falun Dafa, he was subsequently sent to a brainwashing class, where he was later tortured to death.

After Liu Deyi's death, the brainwashing class strictly blocked information and threatened Liu's family that if they went to court, they would be "going against the Central Government."

Recently, persons from the Dongtianzhuang Township police station confirmed Liu Deyi's death.

The news also revealed that in Feng'nan City Detention Centre, all of the determined Falun Gong practitioners were brutally tortured. They were forced to stand outside for long periods of time under the scorching sun. They were also forced to run, squat, and hold the same position for long periods of time, in addition to being verbally abused and humiliated by the guards. The practitioners were often beaten until they were on the verge of death.

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