Extreme Measures of Torture Used To Force Dafa Practitioners To Renounce Their Beliefs

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At the Shizishan Labour Re-education and Drug Rehabilitation Centre in Hubei Province, Falun Dafa practitioners are forced to do heavy manual labour during the day and stand against a wall at night. They are constantly monitored by drug addicts and are often subjected to inhumane torture. Before I was released, I told the police that the statement I wrote against my will to denounce Falun Dafa was no longer valid. When I asked for it back, I was brutally beaten. My incisor was broken in half and my other teeth are loose also.

Falun Dafa practitioners were brutally tortured at the Huangpu Brainwashing Centre in Guangzhou City. First they were beaten by the police. If they refused to give up their belief in Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance and Falun Dafa, their heads were then forced into a bucket full of filthy things. If they still did not cooperate after this, they were subjected to even more brutal torture. The policemen in the brainwashing centre are trying any and all means to force the practitioners to renounce their beliefs in Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance. Those who gave up their beliefs under extreme pressure would be videotaped, and the videotapes would then be used to deceive the other practitioners and people in the world.


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