Ms. Yang Xiaohua, 42, from Chifeng City Passed Away in 2007

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Name: Yang Xiaohua
Gender: Female
Age: 42
Address: Hongshan District, Chifeng City, Inner Mongolia
Occupation: Unknown

Date of Death: 2007
Date of Most Recent Arrest: 2001
Most Recent Place of Detention: Tumuji Labour Camp, Inner Mongolia
City: Tumuji
Province: Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region
Persecution Suffered: Detention, beatings, forced labour

When Ms. Yang Xiaohua's husband left her and her daughter, she became seriously ill. She was very poor and could not afford medical treatment, so she suffered from her illnesses for many years. After she began to practise Falun Gong, all of her illnesses soon disappeared and her health improved.

In 2001, Fu Jianyuan, an officer from the Yongju Police Station in Hongshan District in Chifeng City, went to Ms. Yang's home. He shouted at her angrily, saying that he had not been given bonuses and was not promoted because she practised Falun Gong. He then arrested her and took her to the police station. Fu stomped on Ms. Yang's feet while wearing leather shoes at the station. She was later transferred to the Hongshan District Detention Centre. At the time, Ms. Yang's daughter was seven years old and left alone at home with no one to take care of her.

Ms. Yang was detained for several months, and was then transferred to the Tumuji Forced Labour Camp in Inner Mongolia in November 2001. She was made to do forced labour and was tortured every day at the camp. Unable to continue practising Falun Gong, her physical health quickly deteriorated.

After her release in March 2003, Ms. Yang was continually harassed and threatened by the authorities and officers from the Hongshan district. They did not allow her to do the exercises, and her physical health never recovered. Ms. Yang Xiaohua passed away in 2007, when her daughter was 12 years old.

Chinese version available at

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