Ms. Wang Ping from Wuhe County, Anhui Province, Once Again Subjected to Forced Labour

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Name: Wang Ping
Gender: Female
Age: About 40
Address: Wuhe County, Bangbu City, Anhui Province
Occupation: Formerly employed at the Health Supervision Institute of the Wuhe County Health Bureau
Date of Most Recent Arrest: 2011
Most Recent Place of Detention: Hefei Women's Forced Labour Camp
City: Bangbu
Province: Anhui
Persecution Suffered: Sleep deprivation, forced labour, brainwashing, beatings, solitary confinement, torture, physical restraint detention

Ms. Wang Ping, about 40 years old, from Wuhe County, Bangbu City, Anhui Province, was sentenced to a two-year forced labour term by the Wuhe County Domestic Security Division. She was taken to Division No. 4 of the Hefei Women's Forced Labour Camp in early July, 2011.

It was learned that Ms. Wang suffered a nervous breakdown during her previous incarceration at the Anhui Province Women's Forced Labour Camp. Wuhe County Domestic Security Division head Shen Jijun forcibly took her to the Hefei Hospital to have a checkup in June before sending her to the Hefei Women's Forced Labour Camp.

Several labour camp guards dragged Ms. Wang and handcuffed her to the leg of a table after she refused to comply with their demands. The guards also deliberately shortened her meal time, frequently not giving her enough time to eat.

Ms. Wang was previously arrested and detained many times.

In January 2005, she was given a two-year forced labour term (one year on medical parole). Anhui Province Women's Forced Labour Camp guards secretly detained her in a solitary confinement cell, where they beat her daily and forced her to write “thought reports.” If she didn't write them, she was deprived of sleep. Occasionally she was allowed to sleep at 1:00 or 2:00 a.m., but she would be awakened at 4:00 a.m., so the police could torture her again. Because she refused to be “reformed” [forcibly renounce Falun Gong] she was often severely beaten. Sometimes she shouted "Falun Gong is good" in the corridor when she went to use the toilet, though she knew she would immediately get a severe beating from the inmates. They grabbed her hair, pinned her down on the ground, and then dragged her into a solitary cell and viciously beat her. They sealed her mouth with adhesive tape three inches wide and wrapped it around her neck six or seven times. She was nearly suffocated. Some inmates stuffed her mouth with filthy used socks and bloody sanitary napkins. Day and night, they kept her tied to a bed. Whenever she closed her eyes, she would be severely beaten. After being tortured for more than a year, she nearly completely collapsed mentally.

On January 13th, 2009, Ms. Wang Ping and Ms. Duan Genhua took a taxi to their friend's home. On the way they spoke about Falun Gong to the driver. The driver reported the conversation to the police. Just as the two practitioners arrived at their friends' home, the police arrived and arrested them. Ms. Wang was sentenced to 18 months of forced labour and Ms. Duan to 15 months. Both were sent to the Anhui Province Women's Forced Labour Camp. Because neither of them passed the physical exam, the labour camp officials would not admit them. The police officers did everything possible to get them admitted into the camp. Later, Ms. Duan was admitted, but camp officials denied entry to Ms. Wang. The police then took Ms. Wang to the Bangbu Detention Centre, which also refused to keep her. Later, when Ms. Wang was taken to the No.2 Detention Centre, the officials there still refused to hold her. The police had to get help from a friend to hold her in the centre. Even so, the centre would only take her for the night and told the police to remove her from the centre the next day. Because the next day was the Chinese Lunar New Year, however, no one was interested in taking care of Ms. Wang. After a month, her sentence was changed to "serving the term outside labour camp," and she was released.

Ms. Wang was arrested twice in 2010. On July 6th, Wuhe County Domestic Security Division officers arrested her for distributing information about Falun Gong. She was detained for two weeks. The second arrest took place on August 27th, when officers from the Wuhe County Domestic Security Division broke into her workplace, arrested her, and detained her for two weeks.

Hefei Women's Forced Labour Camp, Division No.4: +86-551-5313143

Chinese version available at

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