Guards at Beijing Women's Labour Camp Kick Practitioner in the Ribs

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At the Beijing Women's Forced Labour Camp, in order to torture Falun Gong practitioners, the guards wear leather soled shoes to kick practitioners in the ribs. They do this because the injuries cannot be seen on the surface. However, internal organs can be seriously damaged from it.

Guo Lina, a guard from the Fourth Ward at the Beijing Women's Labour Camp, used this method to torture practitioners. In one instance, a practitioner in the labour camp refused to write a guarantee statement to stop practising Falun Gong. Guo Lina pushed the practitioner to the ground. Guo then repeatedly kicked the practitioner on the left side of her body. The practitioner was in so much pain that she curled into a ball, unable to breathe. Guo stopped kicking her then, and the practitioner was able to catch her breath and stay alive.

Other than bruises on the lower part of the right leg and fractures in her left hand, there were no other obvious signs of injury. However, the practitioner had profuse internal bleeding. She soaked three rolls of toilet paper with all the blood that she coughed up. Later, her spleen bled for more than ten days. There are still signs of the fractured bones protruding from her left hand. This is another example of torture by the guards at the Beijing Women's Labour Camp.

Chinese version available at

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