Police at Fuyu Labour Camp in Qiqihar, Heilongjiang Province Brutally Torture Practitioner Gao Deyong

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Police at Fuyu Labour Camp in Qiqihar City, Heilongjiang Province have employed various means to brutally torture practitioner Gao Deyong, who now lies unconscious in a hospital. At present, the labour camp is shifting the blame to the "the 610 Office", which in turn is shifting the blame to Gao's work place. The work place blames Gao's family. In addition, the work place dismissed Gao so that it would not be responsible for his welfare.

In order to uphold the universal principle "Truth-Compassion-Forbearance," Gao Deyong never gave in to the evil persecution. The police sent him to a mental hospital where he was forcibly administered large amount of drugs in an attempt to make him give up his belief. However, Gao Deyong firmly believed in Falun Dafa. With strong perseverance, he resisted their evil plot. The police then escalated the torture. They forced him to stand in a position called "leaning against a big board", (For a detailed description, click here) electric shocked him on his head, cursed him, and beat him up. The torture often lasts 17 to 18 hours. All this has not shaken his determined heart. Most recently, the police ruthlessly tortured him until he became unconscious. In order to avoid taking the responsibility and to deceive society and his family, they claim that Gao had a "brain hemorrhage."

The phone number of the responsible offices:

The security office: 011-86-452-2425062

The Fuyu Labour Camp: 011-86-452-3123712, 452-3123571, 452-2739098, 452-2473543

The "610" office: 011-86-452-2425788, 452-2787964

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