Falun Dafa Practitioner Ms. Yin Guizhen from Shanxi Province Dies as a Result of Persecution

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Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Yin Guizhen from Taiyuan City, Shanxi Province was tortured at a forced labour camp and harassed by the local police. She died on February 14, 2005.

Ms. Yin Guizhen, 49, lived in Taiyuan City, Shanxi Province. She was fortunate to have learned the practice of Falun Dafa in March, 1996, after which all of her illnesses disappeared. She diligently practised with a solid faith. After the persecution started in 1999, she appealed for Falun Dafa to her friends and family, and clarified the truth using her personal experiences. On September 1, 2001, she was reported to the police for posting leaflets exposing the persecution and was sent to the Taiyuan City Women's Detention Centre. She endured brutal torture there during her three month detention, but she firmly maintained her beliefs. The Taiyuan City police and the "610 Office" (1) sentenced her to two years of forced labour, and sent her to Xindian Women's Labour Camp. The labour camp refused to accept her because of her high blood pressure. The police still would not release her, so they forcibly administered drugs to lower her blood pressure, and ordered her to check into many hospitals. Her blood pressure remained high, and the police had to release her on medical parole. She was ordered to pay a 5000 yuan (2) fine.

One month later, police ordered her husband (also a practitioner) to "come in to talk" at the station, but then detained him at the Jiancaoping Detention Centre. Ms. Yin was frightened. Her blood pressure was still very high, and she almost experienced a mental collapse. Her husband had to pay a fine of fifteen thousand yuan before being released from the detention centre. Upon returning home he found that Ms. Yin's health had worsened. Although practising the exercises helped her condition improve, the police constantly harassed them at their home, keep them in constant stress. On the afternoon of February 9, 2005, she had a stroke, and rescue efforts failed. Ms. Yin died on February 14, 2005.


(1) "The 610 office" is an agency specifically created to persecute Falun Gong, with absolute power over each level of administration in the Party and all other political and judiciary systems.

(2) "Yuan" is the Chinese currency; 500 yuan is equal to the average monthly income of an urban worker in China.

Chinese version available at http://minghui.ca/mh/articles/2005/4/19/99983.html

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