Anhui Province: Dafa Practitioner Mr. Li Jun Dies as a Result of Abuse and Torment in in Hefei City

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Police abducted Dafa practitioner Mr. Li Jun from a Dafa material site in Hefei City, Anhui Province on October 31, 2002. He suffered brutal torture while being held at the Hongxing Hotel on Huaihe Road, Hefei City. He was illegally tried on July 25 and August 22, 2003 respectively. He was tortured to death at the end of October 2003, at the No. 2 Detention Centre in Hefei City.

Mr. Li Jun, 33 years old, worked for a factory in Hefei City. He went to Beijing twice to appeal for Falun Gong in January and August of 2001, and was illegally sentenced to forced labour on July 19, 2002. He managed to escape from the police's escort on his way to the labour camp on July 29. On October 31, 2002, he and two other Dafa practitioners were arrested at a place where Dafa truth-clarification materials were produced. They were subjected to unimaginably cruel tortures while they were held at the Hongxing Hotel, Hefei City. Li Jun died as a result of abuse and torment at the end of October 2003. The following is additional information:

On July 25, 2003, Li Jun and two other practitioners were illegally tried in Courtroom 1, Yaohai District Court, Hefei City, where Li Jun and his fellow practitioners refuted the false charges against them and shouted "Falun Dafa is Great!" The court hastily ended.

On Friday, August 22, the court conducted another illegal trial of Li Jun and the two other practitioners. Before the trial, a policeman with badge number 340101 savagely beat them. The court started to pass verdict without any due legal procedures, which enraged the accused's relatives and friends sitting in the public gallery. Li Jun and his fellow practitioners started to sing the song "Falun Dafa is Good" and their voices could be heard in and around the court, which made the evildoers fearful and deeply moved kind-hearted people. In view of this circumstance, the judges wanted to send them away as soon as possible, but Li Jun and his fellow practitioners refused to cooperate with their illegal conduct. The police resorted to violence, but the people present condemned their debased conduct. The police used violence to cover up their inner fear, threatened to beat anyone who dared to criticize them. This enraged the public. The presiding judge had to come and personally deal with the situation, where he agreed to allow Li Jun to speak with his family members and also expressed that those police officers who beat people would be punished.

Only two months later, though, Li Jun lost his young life. He upheld justice in this human world, and awakened people's conscience. His death is a condemnation of the falsehood, evilness and brutality of Jiang Zemin's group. The other two practitioners have now been secretly transferred to Suxian County.

We appeal to people who uphold justice and to the Worldwide Organization to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong to pay attention to this matter. Together, let us stop the state terrorism from Jiang's group. They will never escape the trial that history will ultimately stage for them.

Chinese version available at

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