Guangxi: Dafa Practitioners Mr. Xuan Deqiong and Mr. Wang Rencheng Tortured to Death by Police

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Since July 20, 1999, police in Qinbei District, Qinzhou City, Guangxi Chuang Municipality Autonomous Region have been brutally persecuting Dafa practitioners. They tortured two practitioners to death in March and June of 2001 respectively. Afterwards they tightly blocked the information and details of the deaths were not known until recently.

Mr. Xuan Deqiong was a farmer from Taozhu Village of Dazhi Town, Qinbei District. He was arrested in 2000 for distributing Dafa truth-clarifying flyers. He was tortured to death at the detention centre in March 2001. But the local "610 Office" claimed that he died of a certain illness.

Mr. Wang Rencheng was a 35-year-old practitioner who lived in Dazhi Town, Qinbei District. In 2000, he was illegally detained in the Qinzhou No.2 Detention Centre by the Qinbei District Police Department after he distributed Dafa truth-clarifying flyers. In June 2001, he was shocked to death with electric batons during interrogation. However, the government claimed that he died because of his contact with high-voltage electricity.

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