Righteous Determination in Falun Dafa Leads to Harmony in My Home Environment

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I am a 57-year-old Falun Dafa practitioner. In June 2000, I went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Dafa and was later abducted by the police from Fushun City, Liaoning Province. I was detained at the Dashagou Detention Centre before I was released in August 2000. After my release, my family members did not allow me to leave my home. My village also sent people to monitor me around the clock. They also ordered my family members to keep a close eye on me.

Teacher said, "The environment is created by you, yourselves, and it, too, is essential for your improvement." ("Environment" from Essentials for Further Advancement)

I realised that I should not be restrained by my family members and I should use the tremendous changes in both my mind and body after practising Falun Dafa to validate Falun Dafa. I said firmly to my husband and children, "I must study the Fa and practise the exercises. No one can stop me. I must repay the benefit that I gained from cultivating Dafa. Before my cultivation, we used to quarrel with each other all day long, but now you see how harmonious our family is. The illnesses that haunted me for over 30 years have also disappeared. In the past, every winter I couldn't get out because of my sickness. But now I am very healthy. Don't you all see this? I must go out to clarify the truth."

After this conversation, my husband changed his attitude and my children no longer prevented me from going out. My little grandson even followed me to do the exercises. They would also correct me if they saw my hand gesture whilst sending forth righteous thoughts was not accurate.

My husband even started to help me deliver truth-clarification materials, and he encouraged practitioners who had some fear to step forward. A while ago, he went back with me to my hometown to clarify the truth. Even though he does not cultivate, he tells others that Falun Dafa practitioners are all good people. My children are also very supportive of me and they sometimes help fellow practitioners who are in financial difficulty.

Because of my determination in cultivating Falun Dafa and being a Dafa practitioner openly and nobly, the environment in my home has completely changed.

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