Painting: Mother and Child

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This painting depicts Mrs Wang Lixuan of age 27 and her seven-month-old son. On October 21, 2000, she was arrested on her way to peacefully appeal in Beijing. When she later ran away from the detention centre, she went to Beijing again to appeal for Falun Dafa on October 22nd. On November 7th, 2000, Lixuan and her son were persecuted to death. When her family received the notice of their deaths and arrived in Beijing, they found the frozen corpses of both Lixuan and her son. According to the coroner's exam: her neck and knuckles were broken, her skull was sunken and there was a needle stuck in her waist. There were two deep bruises on her son's ankles and there were two black and blue spots on his head and there was also blood in his nose. It was deduced that the bruises may have been caused when the thugs handcuffed little Meng Hao's ankles and hung him upside down.

This is yet another of Jiang's regimes hideous crimes against Falun Gong practitioners. Whether the person is old, young or disabled mercy is not shown. Let us remember Mrs Wang Lixuan and her baby son and try our hardest to prevent such atrocities from taking place anymore.

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