Resisting All Persecution with Righteous Thoughts, I Left the Brainwashing Centre Openly and with Dignity

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Before the 16th Party Congress, I was kidnapped and taken to a local government office. The persecutors wanted to break down my determination to get information about our local Falun Dafa activities in order to further persecute fellow practitioners and destroy our truth-clarifying material site. I held one single thought: I will not cause any loss to Falun Dafa or fellow practitioners.

The police locked me in a room where four or five men surrounded me. One of them held the handcuffs and threatened to cuff me. I resisted firmly and stared directly into his eyes. Shortly after, they all left the room, and didn't talk about cuffing me anymore.

They got nothing from me. Three days later, I was sent to a brainwashing class, where I continued to resist their persecution. They forced us to watch videotapes slandering Falun Dafa. I refused to watch them and kept sending forth righteous thoughts [using upright thoughts to purify oneself and the surrounding environment]. At last they gave up. During my detention in the brainwashing centre, they found all types of excuses to interrogate me. They also threatened that I would be sentenced to a forced labour camp, because being detained there was too easy for me. I knew that everything that happened was because of my attachments, so I kept looking inward to let go my own attachments and in the meantime kept resisting all of the persecution.

As soon as I was sent to the brainwashing centre, the managers of my work unit came to see me, telling me to cooperate with the brainwashing. They had tried to send me to brainwashing classes several times before but didn't succeed. I was determined to fully deny this persecution and leave the brainwashing centre with righteous thoughts. I thought, "I must do it well. I cannot be detained here. I have to go out and continue clarifying the truth of the persecution." I started a hunger and made up my mind to continue until they released me.

Through my truth-clarifying efforts, the two monitors who were assigned to watch me learned the truth about Falun Dafa. They understood me and were willing to help me. On the sixth day of my hunger strike, my family members came to see me. They were not allowed to visit me under normal circumstances. As soon as they saw how weak and sick I was, they requested to take me to the hospital. The evil persecutors refused, claiming that I had to write the "four letters" [guarantees to not practise] before they would release me. I kept sending forth righteous thoughts. Finally, they allowed me to go to the hospital, and in this way I came out of the brainwashing class.

There were also some things that I didn't do well. When I was arrested, my understanding was not stable. Because of my feelings and attachments, I signed the so-called investigation report, though I knew it was wrong. I regretted very much doing that. I realised my biggest attachments were some sentimentality and the underlying fear. I hope fellow practitioners can learn from my lessons and take every step well.

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