People Who Have Learned The Facts

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1. The village supervisor says, "I don't want to do something mean."

During a conversation with a villager, a village supervisor in Hebei Province said, "The TV and newspaper used to say Falun Gong would be eliminated in three months; however, three years have passed and more and more people are practicing Falun Gong. It has been reported that people in over 60 countries' are practicing Falun Gong. Something must be wrong with the CCTV' reports about the "self-immolation and suicide." There are many people in our village who practice Falun Gong and I have never heard that any one of them has committed suicide. Instead, I heard that since practicing Falun Gong, Laowu's wife has fully recovered from her hemiplegia [paralysis of one side of the body], and Laozhang's son was cured of osteonecrosis. The higher authorities issued orders to arrest, detain and beat Falun Gong practitioners, but it is so obvious that our local people became healthier after practicing Falun Gong. They are all good people and I don't want to do mean things. Other people in our village refused to pay the agricultural tax in grain, but the Falun Gong practitioners all paid the tax proactively and even paid with the better grade of grain. The county police department chief came to our village to investigate Falun Gong. He saw the poster that read '"'Truthfulness-Benevolence-Forbearance"'' and said there must be a lot of people here practicing. I told him the posters were done by outside people and took him to a non-practitioner's home to inspect. Before he left, I told him that all those who paid the agricultural tax proactively were Falun Gong practitioners and my duty as a village supervisor would be a lot easier if everybody practiced Falun Gong. The police chief said, ''I know, I know.'"

2. The Party Secretary Says, "We are the ones who should go to jail, not her!"

The wife of a party secretary was put in jail because she firmly practiced Dafa. The secretary made many phone calls to the county supervisor and other leaders, stating the benefits of Falun Dafa and the righteousness of his wife, and requested her release. But he got no results.
One day when this party secretary gathered with his schoolmates, most of whom were also officials, he said with anger, "Since my wife practiced Falun Gong she became really nice and caring. She would only do good deeds, nothing but good deeds. However, we Party officials can spend countless assets belonging to the people in one day. You see, we are not even in jail, but such a good person like her is in jail now. What kind of world is this?"

3. Police Fortune-Telling

A Dafa practitioner went to Beijing to appeal and was arrested and taken to the police substation. A policeman who is familiar with the practitioner held three coins in his hand and told the practitioner, "Sister, I am going to do a fortune telling for you. I will throw these three coins up. If they all land heads up, it means that Falun Dafa is good and you may go home and practice as you wish. If not, you should stop practicing it." He then threw the coins with confidence. When the coins all stopped bouncing and spinning, he was stunned. The three coins had all landed heads up!

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