Presenting the True Facts of the Persecution of Falun Gong to the Business Community

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During the Europe-Asia Summit in Denmark, the AEBF (Asia-Europe Business Forum) meeting was held in Hotel Mariott in Copenhagen. AEBF is a free business forum where representatives from Europe and Asia meet to discuss trade and cultural differences. Some practitioners stood outside the Hotel delivering "business packages”, which contained facts about the persecution of Falun Gong and how business in China is affected by it. Nine out of ten people had time to receive the information-package from the practitioners. They would smile and say "Ahh, thanks. I'll read it." Here follows a few short stories from the practitioners who met with the businesspeople.

“There was an Englishman who had worked at the British Embassy in Sweden, so he could speak some Swedish with me. He was very grateful for the information and happily said that he will send a copy to his boss. When I met him again later I thought I could give him one extra copy so he didn’t have to make a copy. Then he thanked me again and said: “…I’ll still make copies”.”

“Another businessman asked me, “Why is Falun Gong persecuted, I just can’t believe how they can do this?” The dictator of China, Jiang Zemin, has a long record of trying to control peoples’ minds and can ban anything he doesn’t personally like. When the number of Falun Gong practitioners in China became more than the 65 million members of the Communistic party, it just became too much for him. With such a huge number of people, for Jiang it simply doesn’t matter how peaceful they are. He still commands brutal violence in trying to destroy Falun Gong, even though he knows that the practitioners have never answered to the persecution with violence. The man thanked me and said that he will take a really close look at the information package when he gets home.”

“I got the impression that the businessmen were very curious and wanted to know why Falun Gong is persecuted. Indeed, it seems like the persecution is a hot topic now, and also very difficult to comprehend. Why is China’s government putting such pressure on people who are practising a method of individual self-development and peaceful meditative exercises?”

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