The Truth Is Entering People's Hearts

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"They shouldn't persecute Falun Gong in the first place."

A relative that I haven't seen for a long time came to visit from our hometown. She talked about the severe corruption in society, and commented that "Jiang cares nothing for the people's suffering, and that it's impossible to tell what's true or false from the news." When I took this opportunity to clarify the truth to her, she responded, "They shouldn't persecute Falun Gong in the first place."

"It's still Falun Gong that's decent."

One time I clarified the truth to a 50-year old woman. She told me she had never said anything bad about Falun Dafa, and that when others discussed it, she would say, "It's still Falun Gong that's decent. Otherwise, how can there still be so many people practicing after three years of persecution?" When someone commented that she was very brave to say such things, she replied, "I am just speaking the truth." She went on to tell me, "In the future I still won't say bad things about your Teacher or Dafa."

"Seeing you is like seeing our sister."

One time I was clarifying the truth to a retired couple. One of them said, "My sister also practices Falun Dafa, but she is now missing. Seeing you today is like seeing our sister. We believe what you told us. From now on we will keep 'Truthfulness, Compassion and Tolerance,' in our hearts and remember, 'Falun Dafa is great.'"

"We won't slander Dafa."

One day I was clarifying the truth in a company, when a young person said, "I didn't know that the labor camps would beat the practitioners. On TV they said it was education, conversion and assistance." Another young person chimed in, "We won't slander Dafa."

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