"Ten Years of Falun Dafa": Interview of local Guadeloupe TV station

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On the tenth anniversary of Falun Dafa’s introduction to the public (May 12, 2002), France’s Guadeloupe TV station interviewed some local Falun Gong practitioners. The interview was broadcast in a TV news program of the local TV station on A1 channel at 7 p.m. on July 16, 2002:

Footage of practitioners practicing the exercises with voiceover by the Chairman of Guadeloupe Falun Dafa Association :
“To reduce stress and live in a kinder way in our society, please believe me, is by no means an easy matter. Nervousness has been deeply rooted in the body of each and every one of us, but life can be more wonderful if we keep the mentality of taking a step back.”

Footage and presenter’s narration along with the music of Falun Gong exercises :
This is the spirit of Falun Dafa. Falun Dafa is also called Falun Gong. According to practitioners, it is a Chinese traditional way of cultivation that can reduce nervousness, and enhance internal energy. Since it was spread from China in 1992, its development has brought about unbelievable controversy

A male practitioner :
This cultivation practice was very popular in China in the first several years, and was praised and supported by Chinese government. In 1995, Master Li was invited by the Chinese Embassy in France to promote Falun Gong in Europe. A few years later, Chinese President Jiang Zemin noticed that there were about seventy to one hundred million people practising Falun Gong, and that these people were at all levels of all walks of life, ranging from workers to policemen, and from government employees to businessmen. Because of jealousy and an attachment to power, Jiang Zemin felt that Falun Dafa was a threat to himself and decided to crack down thoroughly on this cultivation practice. Then, the cultivation practice, which was once praised several years ago, was banned. After that, oppression, apprehension and cruel physical punishments against practitioners ensued.

Narration :
Estimates suggest that there have been more than 1,600 people killed by police, 100,000 people apprehended and 25,000 people detained in labour camps. At present, Falun Gong practitioners are all over the world, including Guadeloupe. Though the real number is hard to estimate, they have done their best to let the public know what has happened in China.

Male Practitioner :
International amnesty organizations, human rights groups, many politicians, parliamentary members and mayors from various places have expressed their support to us one after another. After knowing what is happening in China and how they are abusing human rights, [you will agree that] China deserves condemnation. Recently, the Organization Committee of Olympic Games especially mentioned to China (Jiang Zemin’s administration) that China’s sponsorship of the 2008 Olympic Games may be cancelled if it fails to improve its human right significantly.

Narration :
In addition to exposing the persecution, practitioners also practised the exercises in Guadeloupe. These harmonious exercises can bring internal peace to people.

Female Practitioner :
These five sets of exercises can improve people’s health physically and mentally, and the movements are very simple. According to everybody’s personal situation, one can practise them repeatedly. They are easy to learn, and suitable for the elderly, children and people of all ages. They are very good for improving one’s health.

Narration :
Starting 9 a.m. on Saturday, July 20, Guadeloupe Falun Dafa Association will hold an “Information Day” activity at Baie-Mahault Business Centre.

Translated from http://www.minghui.org/mh/articles/2002/7/27/33919.html

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