Update: Details on the Death of Falun Gong Practitioner Mr. Zhou Yong in Chengdu City, Sichuan Province

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Name: Zhou Yong
Gender: Male
Age: 34
Address: Seamless Tube Plant employee residential area of Shiling Neighbourhood, an eastern suburb of Chengdu City, Sichuan Province
Occupation: Formerly employed at Chengdu City Factory of Air Compression Machinery
Date of Death: September 29th, 2001
Date of Most Recent Arrest: September 29th, 2001
Most Recent Place of Detention: Shiling Hospital at Longquan Town
City: Chengdu
Province: Sichuan
Persecution Suffered: Beatings, torture, fired from workplace, home ransacked, interrogation, detention
Key Persecutors: Zeng Chengyong, a policeman responsible for household registry, and other officers from Shiling Police Station of Longquan Township

On the afternoon of September 29th, 2001, Chengdu Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Zhou Yong was arrested at home and died that same night. It was said Mr. Zhou fell from his sixth floor apartment. About an hour before the incident, Mr. Zhou was talking to a friend and seemed to be perfectly fine.

The leaders of the Chengdu City Factory of Air Compression Machinery, where Mr. Zhou Yong worked, ordered the staff to tell people that Mr. Zhou had died of natural causes. They did not allow any memorial service or obituary notice for Mr. Zhou. His body was cremated the following day.

Mr. Zhou graduated from Hefei Engineering Institute in 1990. He was an engineer at the Chengdu City Factory of Air Compression Machinery. He began to practise Falun Gong in December 1995. He was known to be a hard worker and a local coordinator of the practice site at Seamless Tube Plant.

After July 20th, 1999, Mr. Zhou was frequently called in for interrogation by the local police station, the Street Residence Committee, and different departments of the factory where he worked. Around June or July in 2001, he was laid off.

After Mr. Zhou was laid off, he went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong, and shouted on Tiananmen Square, “Falun Gong is good! Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good! Return justice to Falun Gong!” Mr. Zhou was arrested and sent to the branch office of the police department at Tiananmen. The policemen beat him, hitting him mostly on his face and chest, until he passed out. The police did not want to be held responsible and threw Mr. Zhou out on the street at night. Mr. Zhou woke up on his own and went home.

On September 29th, 2001, Ceng Chengyong, a policeman responsible for household registry, and another officer from Shiling Police Station in Longquan Town lied about their identity as plumbers and broke into Mr. Zhou's home. They did not show any identification, ransacked Mr. Zhou's home, and wanted to arrest him. Mr. Zhou refused to go with them and was blocked by two more policemen at his doorway. Nobody knew why Mr. Zhou fell from his sixth floor apartment. Two policemen took Mr. Zhou on a stretcher to Shiling Hospital in Longquan Town. It was learned from the guard at the hospital gate that Mr. Zhou was still struggling to free himself from the stretcher as he was carried into the hospital.

Between 8:30 p.m. and 9:00 p.m. that night, the hospital notified Mr. Zhou's family to come and see Mr. Zhou. He had already passed away when his family arrived at the hospital. As his family was dressing him in his burial cloths, they noticed a hole in the back of his head, and there was blood in his nose and mouth.

Related articles:

http://www.clearwisdom.net/emh/articles/2001/11/15/15810.html http://www.clearwisdom.net/emh/articles/2001/10/8/14552.html

Chinese version available at http://www.minghui.org/mh/articles/2011/2/6/235919.html

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