Falun Gong Workshop at Assiddiqiyah Muslim Boarding School in Tangerang, Indonesia (Part II)

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By Jakarta Practitioners

The workshop at Asshiddiqiyah Muslim boarding school was held in an open-air field under a tent. The approximately 2000 attendees were mostly students of the boarding schools, but some were teachers, school staff members and parents.

The banner reads, "The world needs Truthfulness, Benevolence, Forbearance."


Journey of Falun Dafa photo exhibition showing Falun Dafa around the world and some pictures of the situation in China

Mr. Noer Muhammad is the one who invited us to have this workshop at his schools. He is the head of several Asshiddiqiyah boarding schools - "I support the practice of Falun Gong ... it is not against anything in the Muslim teachings."

Female students and their parents performing the 2nd exercise.

Under the pouring rain, we perform the exercises

Opening remarks by Kyai Haj NOER MUHAMMAD ISKANDAR

Source: http://www.clearwisdom.net/emh/articles/2002/5/26/22465.html

For related report, click here.

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