A Former Criminal Reforms under the Influence and Guidance of Falun Gong

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A young man from the northeast of China, Xiao Guang (alias), moved to live in a village in Tangshan City, Hebei Province. Xiao Guang used to steal and fight, and he had spent time in prison. Since coming to Tangshan City, he has lived honestly, and drives a cab. Xiao Guang credits the change in his behaviour to the influence of Falun Gong practitioners when he was in prison.

Xiao Guang shared his prison cell with Falun Gong practitioners. The practitioners lived by the principles of "Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance" and dealt with the prison guards with grace, compassion, and forbearance. They also persuaded Xiao Guang and other criminals to be good people. Xiao Guang went from not understanding Falun Gong to understanding it. He truly respected the practitioners. He made up his mind that after he got out of prison, he would strive to be like a Falun Gong practitioner.

A few nights ago, Xiao Guang had just gone to bed when he heard a dog barking. He went to see what was going on and found a female practitioner, who had been distributing truth-clarification materials, surrounded by his neighbours. They wanted to call the police. Xiao Guang said, "Did she steal from us or rob from us? She is elderly, yet she has come to bring us things in the middle of the night, and she did not charge us any money. What law did she violate?" To the practitioner he said, "You can go now. We also need to go back to sleep." So the neighbours left.

Xiao Guang said, "Today, only Falun Gong people are truly good people." His fellow taxi drivers also agree. They all said that, now, only Falun Gong practitioners do not bargain for a lower price when they take a taxi, and they also clarify the truth to the drivers. All they talk about are good principles. Only the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) teaches people to be bad.

Xiao Guang also confirmed that the CCP prisons do harvest Falun Gong practitioners' organs and sell them for large profits. In the prison where he was detained, practitioners were beaten to death, or their organs were harvested while they were alive. He also said that there were other, non-practitioner prisoners whom had their organs also harvested while they were alive. This is no longer a secret. The evil and cruelty perpetrated by the CCP is well known

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